Lemonade Stand for PET original file

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Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by ral-clan »

I'm searching for the original PET version of "Lemonade Stand" so I can use it in a real PET or under emulation. Does anyone know where it is? I cannot find it online anywhere. Thanks.

It was included in the "Green on Black" collection a few years ago but this converted version won't run in a real PET (or at least I cannot get it to run under VICE's PET emulation).
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by orion70 »

I'm sorry, but currently don't have access to my old work folders due to external HDD destroyed in house relocation two years ago. I did some google, but really couldn't find the program itself (a lot of memories about educational software in late Seventies tho :P).

Maybe someone can alter the VIC version to load in a PET? I don't think I modified any POKE there, but I'm not sure.
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by ral-clan »

This is very strange....because the original PET version seems to not be present in any PET/CBM software archive, yet it was "saved" in a slightly altered form, for the VIC-20 "green on black" port.

So it exists, but no longer will run on an original PET.

I think it's important that the original version be archived (or back ported) for posterity.

I try to load "Lemonade" from the D64 image into a PET emulator and it will load but won't even list. Is it a machine language program or something?
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by orion70 »

Nope. It was pure BASIC. I found a copy of the de-tokenized listing, see if it helps:

Code: Select all

   30 dimg(10),a1$,a2$,a3$
   35 poke36879,13:printchr$(30)
   40 print"{clr}{swuc}{dish}"
   50 print"{clr}{down}{down}lemonade 1986 by mark d. rejhon."
   55 print"{down}vic-20 version 2009 by orion70"
   60 print"{down}{down}what is your name";:inputn$
   65 ifn$=""orlen(n$)>13thenprint"{clr}":goto50
   70 print"{down}{down}"n$", you are going to operate":print"your lemonade stand for 12 weeks."
   75 print"{down}your parents agreed to give you $12 to  ";
   80 print"give you a good start for the summer.   ";
   85 print"you will have to pay back your $12 at   ";
   90 print"the end of the summer.":gosub2000
  100 print"{clr}":wk=1:goto140
  105 print"{clr}{down}"tab(30);"week"wk:print"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC";
  107 print"  T               Y  total"
  108 print"  B               B      kg"
  109 print"  T     lemonade  Y      l of lemon c."
  110 print"  B               B      paper cups"
  111 print"  T               Y"
  114 print"    B           B"
  115 print"    B           B"
  116 print"    B_{CBM-Y}]        B"
  117 print"    B( ) {rvon}{CBM-H}{CBM-H}{CBM-H}{CBM-H}{CBM-H}{CBM-H}{rvof} B"
  118 print"   {rvon}{CBM-B}{rvof}EEEEEEEEEEEEE{CBM-B}"
  119 print"   G{CBM-V}{CBM-G}{CBM-D}B{CBM-C} {CBM-H}{CBM-F}{CBM-V}H B{CBM-V}H"
  120 print"   {CBM-G}{CBM-G}{CBM-F}{CBM-G} {CBM-F}{CBM-G} {CBM-F}B {CBM-V}{CBM-F}{CBM-D}{CBM-M}"
  121 print"   G{CBM-F}{CBM-H}{CBM-C}H {CBM-D}B  {CBM-F}B {CBM-H}H"
  122 print"   {CBM-G}G{CBM-D}B{CBM-F}H {CBM-F}B{CBM-F}B{CBM-F}B{CBM-F}{CBM-M}"
  135 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}"tab(3);n$"'s":return
  140 gosub105:m$=" 1200"
  145 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}"tab(28)"$ 12.00":printtab(20);s:printtab(20);l:printtab(20);c
  150 sp$=str$(110+int(rnd(1)*25))
  160 lp$=str$(100+int(rnd(1)*25))
  180 cp$=str$(100+int(rnd(1)*25))
  190 tf$=str$(int(rnd(1)*40+66))
  193 tc$=str$(int((val(tf$)-32)*.56))
  194 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}"tab(5)"          "
  195 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}"tab(20);"prediction for"
  197 printtab(20)"saturday:{down}":printtab(20)"the temperature"
  200 ce=val(mid$(tc$,2,1))
  202 iflen(tf$)=3thent=val(mid$(tf$,2,1))*10
  204 iflen(tf$)=4thent=90
  210 printtab(20)"in the"t"{left}'s f":printtab(26)ce"{left}0's c"
  230 gosub940
  240 gosub2120
  245 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}"tab(20);"temperature:{down}"
  250 printtab(21);tf$" f":printtab(21);tc$" c":gosub2030
  300 print"price for a cup of lemonade -=-=-=-=-=-"
  305 print"in cents: --{left}{left}";:g=4:gosub2050:ifg(4)=0org(4)>80thengosub2030:goto300
  307 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}"tab(5)g(4)"{left} cents"
  310 be$=str$(val(tf$)-57+int(rnd(1)*5)):se$=str$(g(4))
  320 f=(val(se$)-val(be$)):ll=val(be$)*3-f:iff>0thenll=ll-val(be$)
  321 bl=val(be$)*3:bn$=str$(val(be$)*bl)
  322 gosub2030
  325 be=0:fora=1toll
  326 ifss=0ands=0thenro$="sugar":gosub2150:goto441
  328 ifls=0andl=0thenro$="lemon concentrate":gosub2150:goto441
  330 ifc=0thenro$="paper cups":gosub2150:goto441
  340 ifss=0thens=s-1:ss=25
  350 ifls=0thenl=l-1:ls=35
  355 ss=ss-1:ls=ls-1:c=c-1:m$=str$(val(m$)+g(g)):be=be+g(g):bc$=str$(be)
  360 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}"tab(28)"$"left$(m$,2+len(m$)-4)"."right$(m$,2)" ":printtab(20);s"{left} "
  370 printtab(20);l"{left} ":printtab(20);c"{left} "
  380 nexta:gosub2030:fora=0to1200:next
  385 ifll<1thenll=1
  390 print"you made"ll"sales with"g(g)"cents."
  400 print"you grossed $"left$(bc$,2+len(bc$)-4)"."right$(bc$,2)" .";
  410 fora=0to6500:next:gosub2030:fora=0to500:next
  415 ifval(bn$)>val(bc$)thenprint"you would have grossed $"left$(bn$,2+len(bn$)-4)".";
  417 ifval(bn$)>val(bc$)thenprintright$(bn$,2)" if you":print"have charged"be$;
  420 ifval(bn$)>val(bc$)thenprint" cents.":goto440
  425 gosub2030:printg(4)"cents was the best price for today."
  430 print"you're a good {rvon} businessman {rvof}."
  435 tc=1:fora=1to130:foraa=56230to56242:pokeaa,tc:next:tc=tc+1:iftc=16thentc=1
  437 next:goto441
  440 fora=0to6500:next
  441 ifwk=12then2200
  442 wk=wk+1:print"{home}{down}"tab(30)"week"wk:gosub2120:gosub2030
  445 goto150
  900 end
  940 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}a 5 kg package of sugar costs $";
  955 printleft$(sp$,2+len(sp$)-4)"."right$(sp$,2)
  965 print"how many do you want to buy? ";:g=1:gosub2050
  970 ifval(sp$)*g(1)>val(m$)thengosub2030:print"you don't have enough for"g(1)
  973 ifval(sp$)*g(1)>val(m$)thenprint"5 kg packages of sugar.":fora=0to6000:next
  975 ifval(sp$)*g(1)>val(m$)thengosub2030:goto940
  980 m$=str$(val(m$)-(val(sp$)*g(1)))
  985 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}"tab(28);"$"left$(m$,2+len(m$)-4)"."right$(m$,2)"   "
  990 s=s+g(1)*5:printtab(20);s"":gosub2030
 1000 print"a 1l bottle of lemon concentrate costs"
 1005 print"$"left$(lp$,2+len(lp$)-4)"."right$(lp$,2)"  how many do you want to ";
 1010 print"buy? ";:g=2:gosub2050
 1015 ifval(lp$)*g(2)>val(m$)thengosub2030:print"you don't have enough for"g(2)
 1020 ifval(lp$)*g(2)>val(m$)thenprint"1l bottles of lemon concentrate.":fora=0to6000:next
 1025 ifval(lp$)*g(2)>val(m$)thengosub2030:goto1000
 1030 m$=str$(val(m$)-(val(lp$)*g(2)))
 1035 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}"tab(28);"$"left$(m$,2+len(m$)-4)"."right$(m$,2)"   {down}"
 1040 l=l+g(2):printtab(20);l"":gosub2030
 1045 print"a package of 100 paper cups costs"
 1050 print"$"left$(cp$,2+len(cp$)-4)"."right$(cp$,2)"  how many do you want? ";
 1053 g=3:gosub2050
 1055 ifval(cp$)*g(3)>val(m$)thengosub2030:print"you don't have enough for"g(3)
 1060 ifval(cp$)*g(3)>val(m$)thenprint"packages of 100 paper cups.":fora=0to6000:next
 1065 ifval(cp$)*g(3)>val(m$)thengosub2030:goto1045
 1070 m$=str$(val(m$)-(val(cp$)*g(3)))
 1075 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}"tab(28);"$"left$(m$,2+len(m$)-4)"."right$(m$,2)"   {down}{down}"
 1080 c=c+(g(3)*100):printtab(20);c"":gosub2030:return
 1995 end
 2000 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rvon} press spacebar to continue "
 2010 geta$:ifa$<>" "then2010
 2020 return
 2030 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}                                       "
 2035 print"                                       "
 2040 print"                                      {up}{up}{up}{up}";:print:return
 2050 geta1$:ifa1$=""then2050
 2053 ifasc(a1$)<48orasc(a1$)>57then2050
 2060 printa1$;
 2065 geta2$:ifa2$=""then2065
 2067 ifa2$=chr$(20)thenprintchr$(20);:a1$="":a2$="":goto2050
 2070 ifa2$=chr$(13)thena2$="":goto2110
 2075 ifasc(a2$)<48orasc(a2$)>57then2065
 2080 printa2$;
 2090 geta3$:ifa3$=""then2090
 2095 ifa3$=chr$(20)thenprintchr$(20);:a2$="":a3$="":goto2065
 2100 ifa3$=chr$(13)thena3$="":goto2110
 2105 goto2090
 2110 g(g)=val(a1$+a2$):a1$="":a2$="":a3$="":return
 2120 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}{down}";:fora=1to6:printtab(20);"                  ":next:return
 2150 gosub2030:fora=0to1200:next:print"you would have made $";:wm$=str$(ll*g(4))
 2160 printleft$(wm$,2+len(wm$)-4)"."right$(wm$,2)" if you ":print"hadn't run out of ";
 2170 printro$".":fora=0to6650:next:return
 2200 fora=0to600:next:print"{clr}{down}"
 2210 print"the summer is over. you have made"
 2215 print
 2220 print"$"left$(m$,2+len(m$)-4)"."right$(m$,2)". ";
 2230 print"you owe your parents $12 so":print:print"you ";
 2240 print"keep $";:m$=str$(val(m$)-1200):printleft$(m$,2+len(m$)-4)"."right$(m$,2)".";
 2250 print" you have"s"kg of":print:print"sugar and"l"bottles of lemon":print
 2260 print"concentrate and"c"paper cups left"
 2270 print:print"over.":gosub2000
 2280 print"{clr}{down}{down}play again?"
 2290 getp$:ifp$="y"thenrun
 2300 ifp$="n"thenprint"{clr}goodbye!":end
 2310 goto2290
I used VICE emu's PETCAT. Program info inside "lemonade 1986 by mark d. rejhon" is revealing, as the only Lemonade Stand version with this signature is a late C64 one! So the mystery is solved: I DID NOT work on a PET port :(.
But maybe someone can create one from this listing...
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by Schema »

Was it published in Cursor Magazine? I finally, finally got a working copy of the all the Cursor disks which had a ton of classic PET games. I can look and see if Lemonade Stand was among them.
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by ral-clan »

Hey Schema, did you get these Cursor disks online somewhere? Can they be downloaded?
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by Schema »

I pieced them together from a mishmash of sources. You'll see the first few disks are glommed together, but here you go:


Edit: I didn't find Lemonade Stand after a brief scan of the directories, but it's a great archive and maybe it's under a different name.
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by ral-clan »

Thanks Schema,

I hadn't seen the game JOUST! since my Mom used to bring home her school's PET computer on weekends!
I had two PETs around 1999-2001 but stupidly gave one away and sold the other. However, the VIC emulator is pretty good.

Orion, is there any way to re-tokenize the BASIC listing above so I can use it the PET emulator?
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by orion70 »

Honestly, I tried to, but it creates (re-creates) a PRG only readable by C64 and VIC20. Maybe some PETCAT option I don't get?
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by buzbard »

The trick is to open the .prg in a hex editor and change the second byte from 08 to 04 then it'll load in the VICE PET emulator.
Here's the converted file: PET lemonade stand
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by orion70 »

:D thank you!
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Re: Lemonade Stand for PET original file

Post by ral-clan »

Hi guys,

I just received my copy of the Toronto PET Users Group library CD (purchased from eBay & shipped by Schema). It has an original, unadulterated version of "Lemonade!" for the PET computer (40 column) with sound and an intro screen with music. Although it's similar to the version we've been discussing here, the graphics, layout and in-game phrasing are significantly different.

It's on a disk image labelled "(o)e9.d64".
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