HI-LO Number Challenge

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Vic 20 Afficionado
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HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by vicist »

Exercise your brain with this number challenge game.
Requires 8k+

Complete the grid by entering numbers in the correct position according to the arrows.
Info provided on the disk.
(5.66 KiB) Downloaded 282 times
Much faster version.
(5.71 KiB) Downloaded 256 times
With added joystick control.
(5.91 KiB) Downloaded 126 times
Last edited by vicist on Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:54 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by vicist »

Nothing major but forgot to link to the farewell screen if you complete the puzzle and choose not to play again. :oops:

All download files updated.

Apologies - 'I am a forgetful old Hector' (anyone remember that one?)
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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by Junkman »

Managed to get Star Commander working today and copied this to a floppy. Didn't load on the stock vic but with 8k it works fine.
I think i need to go back to Kindergarten because even on that mode this is challenging :o
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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by vicist »

Sorry about not mentioning 8k is required to run the game. It is mentioned on the announcement page however.
I will edit the original post.

The levels of difficulty are just my attempt at a little humour.
The puzzle is quite hard on any level. The amount of given cells at the start (these are placed randomly, not strategically) should reduce the amount of brain strain to get going.

Hope you enjoy playing it nonetheless.
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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by vicist »

Another gremlin!!
This one stopped it skipping over the random grid placement when loading, resulting in an extra cell being filled in. :oops:
Had that check in place before. Just seemed to have disappeared somehow. :roll:

As before, all files amended.
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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by vicist »

Sloppy use of zero page address caused a screen layout glitch if loading 'HI-LO' from the 'INFO' program (with 8k) and then loading a saved game. :oops:
Higher ram configurations were not affected.

Once again, my apologies. Files amended.
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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by vicist »

After following Mike's excellent article A sample programming session in VICMON I decided to try my hand at turning the more difficult (and slow) mathematical basic equations into machine code.
My first attempt at this game was all in basic and the grid took up to 50 seconds to generate! :shock:
I managed to code the display of the grid and calculate the direction of the arrows in m/c but the random numbers were still being done by basic. This brought the time taken to generate down to 3-10 seconds. A vast improvement and version 1 was posted.

Not quite satisfied with this, I studied this article - Making a random number in Assembly. Now that the numbers are generated in m/c, the grid appears instantly. :D
I've given the cursor wrap-around movement and increased the number of starting cells per difficulty setting to 15, 10 and 6 respectively. The random nature of the grid can make even the easy setting very challenging. Changed the spelling of the easy setting from 'kindergarden' (anglo) to 'kindergarten' and updated the 'info' prg.

Version 1.1 is available from the first post.
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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by highinfidelity »

That's interesting. What an amazing difference of time!
GOD is REAL. Unless declared DOUBLE PRECISION.
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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by vicist »

Added joystick control and fixed a minor bug. :)

You now have to clear the cell to make a change. This prevents overwriting the cell accidentally.

Download from first post.
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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by funkheld »

hello, can ju pleys in sourcecode?

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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by vicist »

The program consists of a BASIC stub, machine code routines, some custom characters and the main BASIC program that starts at $2000 (8192).
You can see the m/c in the code window below (please don't laugh). The BASIC parts of the program are 'TOP SECRET'. :wink:

Code: Select all

* = $188a

playerlo  = 1
playerhi  = 2
check     = 3
offset    = 4
factor1   = 5
factor2   = 6
safe      = 247
rloop     = 248
cmemlo    = 249
cmemhi    = 250
pos       = 251
gridlo    = 253
gridhi    = 254
rnd       = 673
shuffle   = 681
spare     = 689
grid      = 828
player    = 892
colourmem = 956
ds        = 4187
cs        = 37979

;- initialise player, colourmem,
;- grid, playerlo and counters
        lda #8
        sta rloop
        lda #0
        sta playerhi
        sta safe
        ldx #64
soul    dex
        sta player,x
        sta colourmem,x
        sta grid,x
        bne soul
;- initialize shuffle & check -
produce ldx #8
down    txa
        sta shuffle-1,x ; place 1-8 in shuffle
        bne down
        lda #7          ; loop counter
        sta pos
xxx     lda pos
        cmp #0          ; is pos 0?
        beq ggg         ; yes - skip random routine
ttt     jsr rdom        ; no - get random number
        cmp pos         ; same as pos?
        beq ggg         ; yes - continue
        bpl ttt         ; too high - try again
ggg     ldy pos
        lda shuffle,x
        sta rnd,y
ppp     lda pos         ; if check=0 then end
        beq hhh
        lda shuffle,y   ; jog numbers left
        sta shuffle,x
        cpy pos
        bmi ppp         ; keep jogging
        dec pos
        bpl xxx         ; check >0 - go again
hhh     jsr gridit      ; place in grid
        lda gridlo      ; any spares?
        bne produce     ; yes - try again
        dec rloop       ; have we looped 8 times?
        bne produce     ; no
        rts             ; yes - back to basic
;- calculate grid position
gridit  lda #0
        sta playerlo
        sta check
        sta gridlo
        lda #8
        sta gridhi
comp    lda playerlo
        adc playerhi
        sta pos
        lda playerhi
        beq ccc
        sbc #1
        jmp wall
ccc     pla
wall    sta safe
;- compare rnd with grid position
step    lda rnd
hop     cmp grid,x
        bne ok
        jmp bad
ok      cpx safe
        beq good
        jmp hop
;- put in spare
bad     ldx gridlo
        sta spare,x
        inc gridlo
        jmp salt
;- put in grid
good    sta grid,y
        inc playerlo
;- shift rnd left
salt    ldx #0
        ldy #1
fish    cpy gridhi
        beq chip
        lda rnd,y
        sta rnd,x
        jmp fish
chip    dec gridhi
        bne comp
;- any spare?
        lda gridlo
        beq done
        cmp check
        beq tryx
;- transfer spare to rnd
more    ldx #0
goat    lda spare,x
        sta rnd,x
        cpx gridlo
        bne goat
        stx gridhi
        stx check
        lda #0
        sta gridlo
        jmp comp
        lda rloop
        cmp #8
        beq tryx
done    inc playerhi
tryx    rts
;- push screen right -
        lda 36864
        adc #1
        sta 36864
;- cyan right playerhi - 
        lda #<4117
        sta 1
        lda #>4117
        sta 2
        lda #<37909
        sta 253
        lda #>37909
        sta 254
        ldy #0
loop1   lda #62
        sta (1),y
        lda #3
        sta (253),y
        cpy #23
        beq bum
        lda 1
        adc #21
        sta 1
        bcc arm
        inc 2
arm     clc
        lda 253
        adc #21
        sta 253
        bcc leg
        inc 254
leg     clc
        jmp loop1
;- save/quit display -
bum     ldy #0
        ldx #0
        lda 251
        cmp #64
trip    bne loop3
        lda erase,x
        jmp pass1
loop3   lda display,x
pass1   cmp #0
        beq out
        sta 4162,y
        lda #0
        sta 37954,y
        adc #20
        lda 251
        cmp #64
        bne loop4
        lda erase,x
        jmp pass2
loop4   lda display,x
pass2   sta 4162,y
        lda #0
        sta 37954,y
        adc #2
        lda 251
        cmp #64
        bne hip
        jmp trip
hip     jmp loop3
out     rts
display text'sqauviet'
        byte 0
erase   text'        '
        byte 0
;- grid data display -
        lda #<ds
        sta 1
        lda #>ds
        sta 2
        lda #<cs
        sta 253
        lda #>cs
        sta 254
        ldy #0
        ldx #0
gold    lda player,x
        adc #48
        sta (1),y
        lda colourmem,x
        sta (253),y
        cpy #16
        bne gold
        cpx #64
        beq nobby
        lda 1
        adc #44
        sta 1
        bcc again
        inc 2
again   clc
        lda 253
        adc #44
        sta 253
        bcc again2
        inc 254
again2  clc
        ldy #0
        jmp gold
;- higher/lower routine -
;- playerlos -
nobby   clc
        lda #<ds+1
        sta 1
        lda #>ds
        sta 2
        lda #<cs+1
        sta 253
        lda #>cs
        sta 254
        ldy #0
        ldx #0
head    LDA grid,x
        CMP grid+1,x
        BCS higher
        lda #30
        jmp lower
higher  lda #29
lower   sta (1),y
        lda #2
        sta (253),y
        cpy #14
        bne head
        cpx #63
        beq playerhis
        lda 1
        adc #44
        sta 1
        bcc tooth
        inc 2
tooth   clc
        lda 253
        adc #44
        sta 253
        bcc tooth2
        inc 254
tooth2  clc
        ldy #0
        jmp head
;- playerhis -
playerhis clc
        lda #<ds+22
        sta 1
        lda #>ds
        sta 2
        lda #<cs+22
        sta 253
        lda #>cs
        sta 254
        ldy #0
        ldx #0
back    LDA grid,x
        CMP grid+8,x
        BCS hi
        lda #27
        jmp lo
hi      lda #28
lo      sta (1),y
        lda #2
        sta (253),y
        cpy #16
        bne back
        cpx #56
        beq gone
        lda 1
        adc #44
        sta 1
        bcc front
        inc 2
front   clc
        lda 253
        adc #44
        sta 253
        bcc front2
        inc 254
front2  clc
        ldy #0
        jmp back
gone    rts
;- check for win -
        ldx #0
tail    lda grid,x
        cmp player,x
        bne elbow
        cpx #64
        bne tail
elbow   stx 251
;- help -
        lda #<cs
        sta 253
        lda #>cs
        sta 254
        ldy #0
        ldx #0
look    lda player,x
        beq next1
        cmp grid,x
        beq next1
        lda #2
        sta (253),y
next1   iny
        cpy #16
        bne look
        cpx #64
        beq twist
        lda 253
        adc #44
        sta 253
        bcc tip
        inc 254
tip     clc
        ldy #0
        jmp look
twist   rts

;- difficulty settings -
        lda 252
        cmp #1
        beq qqqq
        lda #0
        sta check
start   lda 252
        cmp check
        bne wwww
qqqq    rts
wwww    lda #<grid
        sta gridlo
        lda #<player
        sta playerlo
        lda #<colourmem
        sta cmemlo
        lda #3
        sta gridhi
        sta playerhi
        sta cmemhi
        jsr rdom
        sta offset        
        jsr rdom
        sta factor2
        ldy offset
        adc gridlo
        sta gridlo
        adc #64
        sta playerlo
        adc #64
        sta cmemlo
        lda (playerlo),y
        beq zzzz
        jmp wwww
zzzz    lda (gridlo),y
        sta (playerlo),y
        lda #6
        sta (cmemlo),y
;- multiply Y by 44 -
        lda #44
        sta factor1
        lda factor2
        LDA #0
        LDX #$8
        LSR factor1
loop    BCC no_add
        ADC factor2
no_add  ROR
        ROR factor1
        BNE loop
        STA factor2
;- put player data to screen -
        lda #<ds
        sta cmemlo
        adc factor1
        sta cmemlo
        lda #>ds
        sta cmemhi
        adc factor2
        sta cmemhi
        ldy offset
        lda (playerlo),y
        adc #48
        sta (cmemlo),y
;- colour position blue -
        lda #<cs
        sta cmemlo
        adc factor1
        sta cmemlo
        lda #>cs
        sta cmemhi
        adc factor2
        sta cmemhi
        lda offset
        lda #6
        sta (cmemlo),y
        inc check
        jmp start
rdom    lda #$01
        bcc rrrr
        eor #$4d
rrrr    sta rdom+1
        eor $9124
        and #7

incbin "hl2.cst",0,63
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Vic 20 Afficionado
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Re: HI-LO Number Challenge

Post by vicist »

DOH!! Had the drive hard-coded to 8 (old habits) for loading and saving.
Changed it to last drive # used.
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