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Space Fortress - unexpanded VIC, converted to disk

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:33 pm
by oracle_jedi
I had a bunch of Romik games BITD, but never this one.

Most Romik games were for the unexpanded VIC, and were pretty simplistic, with blocky character-cell graphics, and this one looks to be no exception. Of their library only Moons of Jupiter seems to have any wow factor, but I still like Space Attack and Martian Raider which were two of my very first purchases back in 1982 or 1983.

I was surprised by how well protected this game was, with a number of tricks used to thwart would-be pirates.

Still, here it is, converted to disk including the somewhat impressive intro. I replaced the original waits in the loader so you just need to press any key to move on. Waiting for 20 seconds for the next screen of instructions was cumbersome. If you want to skip the intro entirely just load the BOOTLOADER program and run that directly.


Re: Space Fortress - unexpanded VIC, converted to disk

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:37 pm
by orion70
Thanks! Impressive intro in fact :)

EDIT: you have to LOAD"SP*",8 then RUN - otherwise it gives error.

Re: Space Fortress - unexpanded VIC, converted to disk

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:21 pm
by Kweepa
Yes, thanks!
Is that all basic? Pretty smooth player movement!

Re: Space Fortress - unexpanded VIC, converted to disk

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 4:05 pm
by oracle_jedi

What error are you seeing? I transferred the .d64 to an SD card in my Final Expansion and the game loaded as expected on a physical VIC.

I should note that the BOOTLOADER program is based on code by Dave Curran I found on the tynemouthsoftware site. I meant to acknowledge that on the original post but forgot.

Re: Space Fortress - unexpanded VIC, converted to disk

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 11:58 pm
by orion70
If you load"*",8 it tries to load the first file on the disk, which is not an executable. At least in vice.

Loading the bin file or the bootloader works just fine.