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Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 1:22 am
by DarwinNE
Dear all,
I am currently working to a text adventure game, called On the Queen's Footsteps, that will run on the VIC20 + 32K in a 40 column mode. If you have played to Two Days to the Race ( ... =10&t=9252), you already know your alter-ego, Emilia Vittorini:

Today it's August 27th, 1904. During the last 9 months, you, Emilia Vittorini, joined the Italian Archeological Expedition in Egypt led by Ernesto Schiaparelli, the director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin. You are now back to Italy, in Genova: your steam ferry arrived three days ago with 25 wooden boxes containing Queen Nefertari Meryenmout's grave goods. They left Genova towards Turin in train, yesterday evening. While they were charged, you were invited to a sumptuous reception organised by a wealthy art lover, Eugenio Collovati count of Raligotto, but it would be hard to say that you appreciated the evening.

But the reception belongs to yesterday: now, you must take your train for Turin and check that everything finally arrived there. I will be your eyes and ears. Good luck.


I have more or less completed the first part of the game (I expect this to be a game in three parts) and I am searching for beta testers to help debugging it, hunting typos and grammar errors, etc... Here is a link to where one can download the file: ... IC_32K.d64

I have not finished preparing a VIC20 loader for it yet: running the game requires a few operations:

Code: Select all


poke 43,lo:poke 44,hi:poke 256*hi+lo-1,0:new

load "queens-vic",8,1
load "himem1.bin",8,1
I said that I haven't yet finished the VIC20 loader, but I'm working on it nonetheless :wink:


When the game will be finished, I'll announce the final version, but I would really appreciate having some feedback, as I am not a native English speaker and many sentences can surely be improved.

(mod: link repaired)

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:14 am
by orion70
Very nice... Music for my ears :)
Will there be an Italian version, too? Thanks so much for your work!

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:41 am
by DarwinNE
Hi, Orion70!

As for Two Days to the Race, I'm planning to release a version in Italian, but I will translate the game only when the version in English will be complete and debugged.

BTW, I realized I put the wrong download link in the post! I corrected it, there is a disk image called QUEENS_VIC_32K.d64 that must be attached to xVIC (for example) and then run with the commands shown in the first post.

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 12:37 pm
by Kweepa
Awesome, really enjoyed Two Days to the Race!
I may have time to take a poke at it...

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 5:16 pm
by DarwinNE
Hi Kweepa!

Many thanks, it would be truly great! In the last few days, I received some corrections. Would you just mind waiting a few days so I can implement them?

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 7:54 am
by DarwinNE
Hi Kweepa,
if you want to give a try to the game, I updated it by correcting some horrors :D
We are now at version 0.2 :)
Let me know what you think about it!



Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 4:46 pm
by DarwinNE
I would like to publicly thank Kweepa, who suggested some invaluable improvements to the first part of the game.

I could (I hope) improve some descriptions thanks to his wise advices and the help from other people.
There was a puzzle that was much probably quite unfair, I added hints to guide the player towards the solution.

I could update the first part of the game to version 0.3 8)

Download as usual at ... /

I am currently working to part 2, there is still much work to do, but the main puzzles should have been defined and the overall ideas have been set.

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 5:20 am
by DarwinNE
Hi to all!

I finished today the first beta version of part 2 of the game, it can be downloaded at the usual address.

Any feedback will be much appreciated!

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 6:53 am
by DarwinNE
I received some very useful feedback and I could update part 1 of the game; there was a puzzle that was not explicitly laid out and was confusing. I think part 1 should be much better, now. The download link is available at the usual address.

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:44 am
by DarwinNE
I am continuing to develop the game, step by step.

I wrote a small programm that makes very easy to load the different parts of the game on the VIC20.

It is somewhat a preliminary version and I think I will improve the first screen, but at least it shows a (hopefully) nice hi-res picture when the computer is busy loading:

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:19 am
by orion70
Nice! Very well done! I like this Art Nouveau style. I also used drawings from early Nineteenth Century for illustrations of the Bible series :)

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 1:10 pm
by DarwinNE
Thank you Orion70, I think I saw your drawings somewhere, they were good.
I think the Art Nouveau style fits to the colours of the VIC-20 quite well, indeed.

I still have to improve the first loader screen, for the moment it is just borrowed from Two Days to the Race. There is still so much work to do!

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:24 pm
by DarwinNE
Hi to all,
I could continue the work to On the Queen's Footsteps.
I completed the game that now can be played until the end, but still in beta form.

Any feedback (in PM) will be much appreciated!

Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 7:33 am
by DarwinNE
Dear all,
I received some very useful feedback. I realized there were some puzzles that were a little bit too hard towards the player.
If you play the game, check that you have at least version 0.4.4 I released a few days ago.

Currently, part 1 is probably close to be finished, but I still need feedbacks on parts 2 and 3. Any comment will be welcome!


Re: Beta testing for a text adventure game under development

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:14 am
by DarwinNE
Hi to all,
I would like to publicly acknowledge the outstanding work done by Kweepa.
He could finish the game, reporting many points that were not clear in the story, annoying hunt-the-verb situations for puzzles and suggested many improvements of the sentences.

The game, that is now called "The Queen's Footsteps" is now probably much more playable, now!
I am still waiting for the feedbacks from other beta testers and I still have some work to do in part 3.
Parts 1 and 2 are currently at release candidate stage, but feedbacks are much welcome.

I plan to release the final version of the game at the end of January.