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What games are notable

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:38 pm
by Floopy
Sorry I keep making these new topics.

I need to teach a class. (Yes I'm still not done doing so)
I'm wondering what are some of the most notable games I can present seeing that it's all anybody cares about most of the time :roll:
Anyway I made a "poll" of the ones that seemed most popular. If there are options that are not on there that you think should be, let me know. Just keep in mind that I have to find the ROM files so that I can demonstrate them. :wink:

Also what games are notable on the C64. No cartridges please, I don't have ways of playing them for now.
I never grew up in the 1980's so I don't know.
Thanks for helping me out.

Re: What games are notable

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:32 pm
by cvga
All 12 games are good choices. However, I would have included the Scott Adams Text Adventure Series. I had a couple of these as a kid and loved them. They opened the way to larger Infocom games on the Commodore 64 such as Zork.

Re: What games are notable

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:02 am
by Vic20-Ian
Star Defender by Anirog 16k
Frantic - by Imagine 3.5k
Myriad by Rabbit - 8k
Gridrunner by Llamasoft 3.5k
LaserZone by Llamasoft 8k