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Re: VIC-20 Cartridge Label Font

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 11:08 am
by orion70
Now I am curious about this color and font of the game title on the box... I have several Commodore ones, boxed. Will check them as soon as I get back home. Surely Commodore didn't impose a standard format 😅

Re: VIC-20 Cartridge Label Font

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:08 pm
by doug_in_nc
From my experience I would say they sort of had a standard, but were'nt very good at following it, after all they couldn't even keep the same name on some of the games, so how can we expect them to keep the boxes consistent? :D It would be interesting to see if they used the same fonts etc in Europe

It looked like the more "serious" games used a "serious" font, and at least some of the blast'em type space games used a more "high tech" font, so there may be some logic to what they chose.

Re: VIC-20 Cartridge Label Font

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:28 pm
by orion70
Yep, I can confirm there's some variety in spine fonts. Here are some examples (just took a picture of some of them from my shelf).

My guesses:
- Scaffold Regular for Jupiter Lander et al.
- Izmir Narrow Semibold for The Count et al.
- ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro Demi for Sargon Chess (hard one, many fonts very similar to one another).

Re: VIC-20 Cartridge Label Font

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:08 am
by doug_in_nc
I don't have that many boxes, and the only ones I have for the same games as you are Sargon II and Mission Impossible. My Sargon II box has the same spine text as yours. Until today I had not noticed that the Mission Impossible box I have is either Danish or Norwegian (I can't tell the difference between the two when they are written down), and that just has a spine with no game name on it and generic text on the back, with an insert in the front. I guess they used the same box for different games because sales wouldn't justify printing different designs for each game. I have a couple of French Canadian ones that do something similar, but have "cartouche" (cartridge) on the spine.