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Sink-20 in development

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 6:23 pm
by Kweepa
Yet another emulator... this one with a built in BASIC editor, debugger and profiler.
Something like BASin for the Speccy.
(436.42 KiB) Downloaded 435 times
The hearts are breakpoints - on lines and on variables changing value.
The blue is a text selection.
The green are profiler bar graphs representing time spent on the line.
The red (on line 805) is the current executing line.
Clicking on the keyboard window inserts characters (or you can obviously just type).

Emulator: including sound
Editor: editing, cut and paste, undo/redo, copy to emulator, save to prg, load from prg.
Debugger: breakpoints, single step, callstack.
Profiler: capture and display time spent on each line.
Window docking

To do:
Some tools like renumber, compact, music tracker, character editor
Hooking up some menu items (eg Exit!)
Code snippets?
Lots of testing and fixing
Fix multicolour display

It's C#, and uses DockPanelSuite and NAudio.

Added memory configuration, cursor keys, soft reset, proper current line caret.
Let me know what you think!

Re: Sink-20 in development

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:51 am
by Schlowski
Wow, impressive :shock:
I'm out of the retro zone for the moment (busy with work and life), but I suddenly feel an urgent need to get back to my beloved VIC coding with this sort of modern development tool.

Re: Sink-20 in development

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:32 pm
by ldxstx
Wow, cool work! I will try it in the next few days, hopefully!

Thumbs uppp! :)

Re: Sink-20 in development

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:36 am
by tonyrocks
Ha! I love the hearts for the breakpoints...heck, i like the the fact that you can have breakpoints. Very cool!!

Re: Sink-20 in development

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:16 pm
by R'zo
Will find time to give this a try.

Re: Sink-20 in development

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:09 am
by cobracon
Was just playing around with this tonight. I really like it a lot. Have you done any updating to this lately?

Re: Sink-20 in development

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:20 pm
by Kweepa
I did start poking at it again, but nothing major.
I got frustrated by the window focus details (for example I keep pressing 'run', then editing the program instead of interacting with it), and the need to rewrite input entirely to fix them.
Maybe I'll play with it some more this week, before I go back to work on Monday.
If you have any specific feedback/feature requests I'd love to hear it/them!