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searching for a .tap file with all the best VIC-20 games :)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:27 am
by Overdoc
Hi VIC lovers,

A friend recently digged out his old VIC with Datasette, and would like to use it and play those first, old, primitive, but nevertheless compared to new games often more exciting games again.

Now, I can find a lot of VIC games on the net, which I could download, transfer to disk and then copy to a tape.
But maybe someone has already done something with a good collection of the best VIC games ? If so, I would be very happy to download sucha thing as .tap :)
One .tap for a 60 minutes or 90 minutes cassette would be great :) That would give him a good number of games which should keep him interested for a while :)

Otherwiese, I would be happy if someone can tell me the name of some kind of .prg to .tap maker tool, which I can use to compile one .tap file out of many .prg files ? I knew a tool written by Ian Coog for this purpose, but I forgot it's name...

Thanks a lot for your help!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:34 am
by orion70
Hello Overdoc!

I have found that creating a blank .TAP with VICE and populating it with games with simple "save" statements is not difficult and works prefectly as long as the game's not copy protected.

FILE - ATTACH TAPE IMAGE - give the tape a name then
then load game with
LOAD"PRG",8 from the dir or D64 where the prg is
at the 'ready.' prompt SAVE"PRG"
when 'press record & play on tape' appears you go
then on with the next prg etc.


Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:35 am
by 16KVIC20
There is a program called winTZX available here:

Just scroll down to the appropriate section.

You can play a .PRG file (loads on Zimmers) and record the WAV file which is produced. I have a success rate of about 50%, I suspect head alignment may be an issue, although others have said to invert the audio.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:52 pm
by Overdoc
Thanks for the suggestions!
However, instead of loading all games into Vice and then saving on .tap file, I could as well save them to a real tape and then make one .tap file from the tape ?

Also thanks for the tool, but 50% success rate is not so perfect ;)

Anyway, I think the tool I have in mind was
STAP from this site:

I think I might try it on the weekend and report my results.
The only thing I would still need is a good list of VIC-20 games which no-one should miss :)

Thanks !