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I had no idea these old C= machines were still popular

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:43 pm
by ViperSan
Hello there ..
After a recent foray into my loft I re-discovered my origional Vic20 bought the year it came out in the UK...complete with the modified Arfon expansion unit with which I ripped my first Cartride (Lunar Lander) to tape .. I can honestly say as far as Im aware I was the first person (certainly in the uk) to perform this little trick ..much to the annoyance of Comodore ..who said it wasn't possible.
My arfon equipped still equipped with the comodore issue machine code cartridge monitor the one I started writing my first games on..
Some of which are still around today it seems ...
Its a pleasure to visit some of the retro sites around atm ...
...a real trip down memory lane for me..
best regards to you all
E Parton
aka ViperSan

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:05 am
by Mayhem
Rip carts to tape? Could be useful. I have a few carts here in need of dumping. Might ask to borrow the unit. But that's in the future as I'm off on holiday next week. Will have to wait for now :)

Re: I had no idea these old C= machines were still popular

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:54 am
by Boray
Hi and welcome!
ViperSan the one I started writing my first games on..
Some of which are still around today it seems ...
Could you mention a couple of titles? Would be interesting to know if one would recognize them.


Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:09 am
by ViperSan
Sure thing Boray ..
I did 2 versions of Punchy ..
Vic +16 and the one in the starter pack for C16
My first game was a simple 'depth charge' variation for the unexpanded VIC called Invincible .
It did actually go on sale ..though I can't confirm just how many went into circulation.

btw ...ripping carts to tape isn't hard ...
Its a long time ago though ...
If memory serves just have to switch the address lines to a memory cart and a game cart ..
Using an 8k game cart for example
You effectively moving the start address of the cart from A000 to say 2000 then power up the contents of say the 8k block starting at 2000 to tape or disc ...
To replay the saved file ...switch an 8k mem cart to address 2000 ...
load in the game from tape ...then physically switch the address from 2000 to A000 ....then soft reboot ...
The 8k mem cart will then contain a playable version of the origional game.
This is the reason they introduced anti piracy solutions in the form of software which writes back to the cart ...if ram it can corrupt the data ...if rom ..not possible to modify ..
To get round this ...I seem to remember putting a switch in to disable the wrtite enabable to the cart ..
Hope this info makes sense ...and is useful ...but remember its over 15 years since I powered up a VIC ...
rgds 2 all

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:38 am
by Boray
ViperSan wrote: To replay the saved file ...switch an 8k mem cart to address 2000 ...
load in the game from tape ...then physically switch the address from 2000 to A000 ....then soft reboot ...
There is an easier way. Set it to block 5 (A000).
POKE 43,0:POKE44,160


Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:06 am
by ViperSan
Can't argue with that Boray ...redirecting the load folowed by a soft reset is a fair enough way to proceed achieves much the same end.
I guess the method I used to run the saved file was more convenient at the time for me all my memory carts were modified to allow bank/address switching.
The point I was making I suppose is that CBM figured that that their cart contents were safe as it wasn't possible to save anything to tape located at $A000 and at that time you couldn't have VICMON and a game cart in the slot at the same time so relocation wasn't an option ...
All of this of course was done long before anyone had even concieved an expansion slot unit..
Arfon changed all that of I guess it Luner Lander was ripped before I got my Arfon ...
Time definately fogs the brain..
Good fun though ...I remember how good it felt when I figured I actually understood 'old VIC's' internals..
..of course its all a bit hazy now ..
Heady days .

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:19 pm
by carlsson
It reminds me of that mystery eBay auction last week. I would think that card did something like what ViperSan suggests, but the technically more skilled people looking at the address lines were not sure it could work like that. Maybe we will find out one day?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:35 pm
by ViperSan
Hi Carlsson ...
When I get a chance I'll pop open the cart cases and take some photos for you ...if its of any interest.
But I rather thought that particular mod had probably tried before in the 20 or so years since I did it