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Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:45 am
by tokra
My solution for the original 109 block file would have been:

- split the file into the part from $2000-$7fff and $1200-$1fff
- loader relocates basic to $a000 and runs from there
- displays loading screen
- loads $2000-$7fff chunk
- loads $1200-$1fff chunk to $b200
- relocates $b200-$bfff to $1200-$12ff
- relocates basic back to $1200
- runs the program

Exomizing the original file and relocating it completely works as well of course ;-)

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:19 pm
by Mike
Kweepa wrote:Thanks very much for the offer! [...] Alternatively I could just compress the prg. [...] Exomizer reduced it from 27.3k to 14.5k. :)
That's also a good idea to reduce load time. :)

e-mail w/ attachment sent. ;)



Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:15 am
by Kweepa
There's a new version with Mike's loader at:

Hopefully this is the final version!

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:00 am
by tokra
Looking good! Are you gonna release the level-editor you mentioned earlier as well? I'm not even gonna ask for automatic-weapon-downselect anymore ;-)

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:25 am
by Kweepa
Yeah, I can do that later today perhaps (the level editor release, not the weapon downselect :)).

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:49 pm
by Ghislain
I finally played this game on my VIC-20, and it's amazing. I would have played it on the real hardware sooner, but I was fairly busy with my own VIC-20 projects since March.

Do you still plan on making that RPG?

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:10 pm
by Kweepa
I'd love to make an RPG, but it'll have to wait until next year...
I have half a design in google docs, but not much implemented.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:16 am
by Ghislain
Kweepa wrote:I'd love to make an RPG, but it'll have to wait until next year...
I have half a design in google docs, but not much implemented.
I completely understand the large undertaking required to create an RPG. I pretty much used most of my free leisure time every day for 6-7 months this year to make one. Even as I'm winding down and working with Kenz to get the packaging designed, I'm already scribbling down ideas for a follow-up (even bigger graphics, a bigger game that encompasses multiple disk sides, etc) even though I swore that I would never make another.

It's one thing to have fun speculating about what you'd like to implement in an RPG that you'd like to create, it's quite another to actually do the work that it requires to program it. And when you're halfway finished and you're sick and tired of working on it, all that work is wasted if you just give up. So you keep working on it.

Re: WIP: Doom

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:04 am
by Pedro Lambrini

Since it's Dooms 20th birthday today I thought I'd ask if there's any news on a final release. So, here goes: Is there any news on a final release? :)

Re: WIP: Doom

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:33 pm
by Jeff-20
Pedro Lambrini wrote:BUMP!

Since it's Dooms 20th birthday today I thought I'd ask if there's any news on a final release. So, here goes: Is there any news on a final release? :)
Good point! Pedro, are you asking if there's any news on a final release? Because I also wanted to ask if there's any news on a final release. So, I'll ask too. Is there's any news on a final release? :P

I cannot believe it's been 20 years!

Re: WIP: Doom

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:48 am
by Kweepa
I really wanted to make a video, promote it, etc, but I just didn't get a concentrated block of time.
The final release, as far as I know, is here:

I'll put together an announcement post.

Re: WIP: Doom

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:13 am
by tokra
Great! Just in time for Christmas like 1993...

I hope you don't mind, I created a for this:

Re: WIP: Doom

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:04 pm
by joshuadenmark
Hi Kweepa


Congratulation, super game :-)

Will this be available in any "hard copy" version?

Re: WIP: Doom

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:56 am
by Mike
Judging from a thread over at lemon64, VIC Doom is already gaining a good reputation as RAM testing tool. :lol:

One should say thank you to Torsten for pointing out there that TDE isn't needed in VICE (after all, VIC Doom runs happily from SD2IEC devices as well), and 32K + 3K RAM expansions *are* required ... You've Heard Rumors. Here Are The Facts! ;)

Re: WIP: Doom

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:33 am
by Exin
Hi there!

I wonder if the Developer of this game is here.
I would like to make a better title screen than this dithered piece of hell. :(
