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Top 10 games you have ever played

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:27 am
by vic user
probably a tough list to make actually, considering the amound of games i am sure everyone has played.

i am interested to see other people's lists

here is mine, which i tried to consider how much time i spent playing them, or still do :)

1) AD&D: Treasure of Tarmin - Intellivision
- I still play this game often. Can suck me in for hours, easy.

2) Out of his World - pc by Virgin i think.
- This game simply blew me away, and i was sad the game had to end
want to get a copy again for sure

3) Dune II - for the pc
- destroyed a mouse playing this game, and used to go to bed still hearing the music in my head. what a game!

4) Wizardry I - Apple II
- this was one of my first big games i got to play, and being a d&d freak when i was a kid, this game really did it for me

5) Tron - arcade
- I was so excited to see this at the Exhibition, way back when. what a game and what a cool blue joystick! Very happy to hear i can get it for the game boy

6) Space Invaders - arcade
- I have no idea how many quarters I gave to the invaders!

7) Tron: Deadly disks - Intellivision
- Not a mind blowing game, but the task of getting 1 million points, so i could see the last enemies, sucked me in big time

8) Faceoff 2001 - Playstation I
- My friends and I made an all canadian hockey league with that thing, and i miss those friday night game nights!

9) Fifa 2004 - Gameboy advance
- What a wicked soccer game, and it is hard to score! I am hoping the 2005 version is even better.

10) Utopia - Intellivision
- Still like playing this game, and it is so easy for kids to play as well. great game!

now more games are coming to mind, but i will stick with these

so what is your top 10?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:20 am
by carlsson
I'd prefer not to rank the list, as each game is fun and unique in its own way. I think it looks like this:

* Freecell in Windows. I've recently (last year) discovered this simple solitaire game and play it regularly in the background when surfing.

* M.U.L.E on the C64. Space colonization. Decent against computers, hilarious fun with friends.

* Premier Manager on the Amiga. Probably the game I've played for most hours. Not very challenging once you know what to do, but I still haven't grown tired after 12 (!) years of playing from time to time. The code wheel is about to degrade though, so maybe I should look for a cracked version by now...

* Hypa Ball on the C64. Good music, cyber ball game, maybe too difficult to control the grounder guy.

* Nethack on various platforms, mainly played on the Amiga. I'm not very good at it, but it is fun and isn't afraid to play (joke) with its D&D heritage.

* Speedball II on the Amiga. Another futuristic ball game, but where Hypa Ball is cool and controlled, Speedball is just wild. A friend doing a school assignment on pulse and heart rhythm once conducted a test on playing Speedball, and found that the pulse increased greatly in the pause (!)between halves or games. Maybe this is natural.

* Lotus III, again Amiga. I didn't play Lotus I or II very much, but III is some kind of combination of the two first, plus a race code generator. You can not design your own courses, but influence difficulty and type of track. Since the codes are made up only by letters, you can try to enter any 1-9 letter name or word and see what you end up with. :)

* Super Mario Bros / Great Giana Sisters, NES/C64. Those two games are so similar (too similar even!) so I put them together. Classic platform. I tried SMB2 a little, but I thought it got too complex with multiple directions.

* Quarth, MSX. This kind of shooter-puzzle struck me from a clear sky when I played it in an emulator in late 90'ies. I've seriously tried to come up with an algorithm to implement it myself, but I'm too stupid.

* Tetris, most platforms. How can a list of top 10 games not include this modern classic? Most people are sick and tired about plain Tetris by now, but if it is a good implementation I can still enjoy it, which maybe is one of the reasons I made my own VIC-20 implementation in 2002 - it is however not one of the best ones.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:33 am
by vic user
you are right about the ranking, as i can't really rank them properly for myelf either. mostly just the ones that i have known to play a lot.

i will be honest with you anders, and my daughter and i like your vic-tertis quite a lot! if you just had music, it would be wicked!

i hope i have that m.u.l.e. game in my 64 collection. sounds fun

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:45 am
by Schema
Actually, my favorite game EVER is Thief: The Dark Project on the PC. I could go on for hours about what a good game it is. Challenging, slick, fun, atmospheric, scary, thrilling, funny, detailed, excellent plot/voice acting, production, effects...

I hardly ever play computer games, so it's hard to come up with 9 more. Pool of Radiance and Skate or Die on the 64, Dungeon Keeper and One Must Fall on the PC come to mind, just because of the hours wasted.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:53 pm
by carlsson
Chris, did you know that M.U.L.E. partitially was advertised as a learning tool to learn market economy and demand/availability [1]? It has a few negative events happening, but once you know that in a game you can have both good and bad luck, you will accept when a plot is lost once a while or when the computer dumps the prices on the stuff you just cultivated... The graphics are rather simple, but it is the game that is fun. Too bad the developers were restrictive with porting and updating the game, although there are a lot of unofficial homebrews based on the game, and a couple recent commercial games - not sure if they are licensed.

The reason Zapactris lacks music is that it was 1K. I had some music, and have been asked to improve it. So far I couldn't be bothered, although it is rather easy to just slap one or two tunes and a player onto it. I probably should adjust the difficulty level too. It is harder to fix the display ratio which some people commented on - personally I prefer the slightly wider than high characters for making Tetris blocks, at least compared to the narrow C64 characters. A perfect square would be best I think.

[1] And maybe that some races are better than others on doing different things, but that would be racistic and probably not very educational and PC.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:50 am
by vic user
i only know of the name, and nothing else about M.U.L.E until you mentioned more about it.

i think i would like playing this game.

unless i am getting it wrong, it reminds me a bit of a game i used to play on the apple II, which was a stock market game, and this game for the pc, where you were the ruler of the USSR, and had to deal with the budget, and random events occuring, which you were notified by these cool newspaper headlines

i hope you find the time some day to put some catchy music to Zapactris

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 4:49 am
by Boray

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:15 am
by carlsson
I really enjoy Boray's short, definitive list of other games he likes! :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:44 pm
by carlsson
Yesterday night my urge for Lotus III had grew strong enough to boot my Amiga 500, and yes it still is a great lot of fun. As I wrote before, you can make up your own level codes (1-9 characters) which generates a track apart from the predefined ones.

There are 13 different types of track, and each can be of the type A->B or laps. Below is noted the letter for each type as lap/A-B:

A/C: windy, B/F: sandy, D/L: rainy, E/T: motorway, I/G: road construction, K/H: forest, O/Z: snowy, P/W: fantasy, Q/V: midnight, R/X: muddy, S/N: hills, U/J: foggy, Y/M: swamp

The other eight letters will describe how much curves, sharpness, track length, how much hills, steepness, how much scenery, scatter and obstacles (different for each type of track) there should be, in steps of 4%:

X=0%, R=4%, WPVQMYNSZOG, space = 50%, ILDFBJUTECAH, K=100%

Now to the point; some letter combinations make a more interesting track than others. One of my previous favorites was "TRACKRACE", an interesting motorway experience which is directly fatal for someone who haven't tried it before and waits to refill fuel until you really need to - as the appropriate tank station happens to be in the middle of a tunnel and is not accessible! Ha! Maybe you wondered why your opponent refueled at the previous stage, when it still was plenty of fuel left...

I'm currently trying to finish the rainy "LUNCHINFO" in one stint, i.e. without refueling but it is probably close to impossible. It is of course possible to refuel, but I find it a challenge not to.

However, tonight I played a new combination "WATERFALL", which then is a fantasy A->B course with turbo zones, laser beams, lots of curves, refuel stations right before and in the middle of tunnels and all sorts of things going on. I'm not lying when I'm saying I was drooling.. and this for a 12 year old game I'm playing on my own. If you have this game in your collection, you should try the above. It probably was one of the best combinations I've made up so far. Gotta play it again.. :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:22 pm
by martin_f
My top 10 ultimate list, in no particular order:

BBC Micro (the original and the best !)

Wipeout 2097

FIFA xxxx
PS1 with 2 multi-taps and 7 mates (plus a few cartons of beer, endless entertainment !)

Resident Evil (1 or 2)

Apple II



Perils Of Willy


Stunt Car Racer

A good range of different games, as I am into all sorts. I have probably commited more time into each of the above, than any other game.

Funny how I haven't listed any xbox games .... do I not think they are worthy ? Probably not ! I did get through halo, but I wouldn't put it up there in my ultimate 10 list. If I had to throw in an xbox game, I would say Time Splitters 2, 4 player split screen is awesome ... and sooooo configurable.


Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:03 pm
by Mike
So far my favorites, after second thoughts:

1. Elite - Acorn Archimedes
As the box art says: "Good games come and go, and great ones last much longer, but only one can claim to be Elite."

2. Paradroid - C=64
A classic by Andrew Braybrook. Cool: The logic-based mini-game inside.

3. The Last Ninja - C=64
Soundtrack. Need I say any more?

4. Sim City 2000 - DOS
Build cities, earn cash, tear them down with catastrophes.
... rebuild.

5. Beach Spikers - Game Cube
Easy to grasp controls, infinite Multiplayer fun.

6. Uridium - C=64
Another one by Andrew Braybrook. Zip along dreadnoughts and destroy them to save Earth.

7. F-Zero: MV - Gameboy Advance
Once you've successfully played F-Zero, you're spoiled. You just can't take any other racing game serious anymore. :)

8. IO - C=64
There may be more than hundred Scramble clones. But what must have crossed the game developers minds to crush you with eight satellites in the first screen?

9. Mine Storm - Vectrex
Burns off fireworks.

and, finally, ...

10. Windows - Intel
The biggest graphics adventure known. Alas without complete solution. ;)


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:16 am
by Jeff-20
I still can't commit to a list.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:41 am
by gklinger
I have a list but I'm afraid to post it because there aren't any VIC-20 games on the list and I don't want to get banned or worse. :(

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:05 am
by Jeff-20
gklinger wrote:I have a list but I'm afraid to post it because there aren't any VIC-20 games on the list and I don't want to get banned or worse. :(
This thread is in the "other systems" section. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:07 am
by nbla000
My list in no particular order, more then 10: :wink:

Pong (original)
Trout (Vic-20)
Sim-City (Amiga)
Dragon's Lair (Arcade)
Arkanoid (Arcade/Amiga)
Buggy Boy (Arcade/Amiga)
Defender of the Crown (Amiga)
Impossible Mission (C64)
Monkey Island (Amiga)
Pac-Man (Arcade)
Pinball Dreams/Fantasies (Amiga)
Super Off Road (Amiga)
Winter Games (Amiga)
Donkey Kong (Arcade)
Exploding Fist (C64)
H.E.R.O. (C64)
Mancopter (C64)
Traffic (C64)