Do you use a laptop or a desktop?

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Do you use a laptop or a desktop computer?

Total votes: 26

Vic 20 Newbie
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Post by Overcast »

Both kinda.

Had a Laptop I used at work as my primary work machine. But then, the hard drive started acting up, so I needed to use my desktop for a couple days while desktop support here got parts, etc.

Now my laptop's quiet in the bag, but I still carry it back and forth, if I need to go 'on-site' somewhere with no notice, I'll need it.

I much prefer desktops - more speed, period. There are a lot of fast laptops out there, but along with that, I prefer the bigger screen and regular keyboard.

My son keeps telling me I need a new case for my home dekstop - the case is likw 7 years old - but it was TOP of the line ATX when I got it - made from real steel, no junk - but I lost the top a long time ago, it's just open now. Kinda like it that way~ ;) heh

Funny thing is - just now that I think about it, the TV I used to use with my VIC - had the front panel missing, I guess I like the idea of lots of buttons and controls everywhere... But anyway - that TV - I umm, still got it and it works. Wow, I outta hook my VIC up I got on Ebay a few months ago, but it might be a nostalgia overload.
10 PRINT "Hello World!"
20 GOTO 10
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