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Anyone recognize this?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:22 pm
by gklinger
I was Googling about (you know, looking for pr0n) when I came across an intriguing list of VIC-20 files. The site was down but I was able to get a look at the cached version which you can find here. I don't recognize a lot of what's on that list and either does Schema so on his advice, I'm posting about it here in the hope that someone can confirm that this stuff is archived somewhere. The naming scheme makes me thing I might be looking at TOSEC's VIC-20 collection. Can anyone confirm that? Come to think of it, does anyone have the VIC-20 TOSEC that they would be willing to share?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:02 pm
by nbla000
Yes looks like a TOSEC collection, i've an old Vic Tosec collection version in some CD, i need to check, send me a PM if you are interested.