PRINT 32-bit integer numbers

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Vic 20 Enthusiast
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PRINT 32-bit integer numbers

Post by MrSterlingBS »


I like to print 32bit integer numbers in assembly.
I read the example on but I don't get correct results. Can anyone help here? ... _to_string
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Thank you in advance
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Herr VC
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Re: PRINT 32-bit integer numbers

Post by Mike »

According to the example on, you need to set up the FAC in a certain fashion before the call to the VIC-20 equivalent of $B8D2, you obviously did not do that correctly.

If you want more help, post the code.

(and like with that other thread here, I strongly presume what you actually want is to test your 16x16->32 multiply works, as X of your XY problem. That output could also be done from BASIC. In any case, the (combination of) routines in the BASIC interpreter will print those 32-bit values >=1E10 in E notation which you likely do not want here. That again means, you studying how base conversion routines work in general and then trying to write such a routine from first principles and not via copy-and-paste is the key here.)
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Re: PRINT 32-bit integer numbers

Post by MrSterlingBS »

This is the code so far...
I used one of the multiply routines from Toby Lobster... only to play around with them.

Code: Select all

CLRSCR	equ $E55F
WRTF	equ $E742		; faster print 
MVFACC	equ $dba2

PRTFIX	equ	$DDCD		; values form 0 to 65000	X - low; A - high

STACK	equ	$0100

        dB	$0B, $12, $0A, $00, $9E
		dB	$38, $31, $39, $32			; SYS8192 = $2000
		dB	$00, $00, $00
	;sei				; stop interrupts
	jsr CLRSCR		; clear screen
	jsr Primm
	db "MULTIPLIER:",$1d,$00	
	ldx #15				; low
	stx aux
	lda #0				; high
	sta aux+1
	jsr PRTFIX	
	jsr Primm
	db $0d,"MULTIPLICAND:",$1d,$00	
	ldx #232				; low
	stx acc
	lda #3				; high
	sta acc+1
; code from the book VIC-20 MACHINE LANGUAGE GUIDE Abacus Software
	lda #$FF
	sta $9129	; decrements every 256 µS	; 4 cycles
	lda #$00
	sta $9128	; decrements every µS		; 4 cycles
; ************** Start Counter with 10 Cycles ********************	
	jsr mult		
; ***************************************************************************************	
	lda $9128	; low
	ldx $9129	; high
	sta $FB		; low
	stx $FC		; high
; ************** Stop Counter ********************		
	jsr Primm
	db $0d,$0d,"PRODUCT:",$1d,$00	
	;ldx #9 ;result_low
	;lda #0
	;jsr PRTFIX
	;lda acc
	;sta integer+3
	ldy acc
	;sta integer+2
	ldx ext
;	sta integer+1
	lda ext+1
;sta integer
	jsr $cf87  ; sets mantissa to 00yyxxaa
	jsr $cf7e  ; set rest of FAC1 and JMP to $b8d2
	;ldy integer
	;lda integer+1
	jsr $D391
	jsr $DBA2
	jsr $DDDD
	ldy #>STACK
	lda #<STACK
	jsr $CB1E
	lda #$FF
	sbc $FC
	sta $FC
	lda #$FF
	sbc $FB
	sbc #$09
	sta $FB
	jsr Primm
	db $0d,$0d,$0d,$12,"CYCLES:",$1d,$92,$00	
	ldx $FB		; low
	lda $FC		; high
	jmp *			; infinity jump
		db $00,$00,$00,$00
	sta $03
	sta $04
	inc $03
	bne	X10DC
	inc $04
	ldy #$00
	lda ($03),y
	beq X10E7
	jsr WRTF
	bcc X10D6
	lda $04
	lda $03

; for testing	
	ldy #>acc
	lda #<ext
	jsr $D391
	;jsr $DBA2
	jsr $DDDD
	ldy #>STACK
	lda #<STACK
	jsr $CB1E
	jmp *
	byte $8a,$7a,$00,$00,$00

; mult2.a
; from The Merlin 128 Macro Assembler disk, via 'The Fridge':
; with an optimisation for speed (changing pha/pla to tax/txa)
; 16 bit x 16 bit unsigned multiply, 32 bit result
; Average cycles: 578
; 33 bytes

; acc*aux -> [acc,acc+1,ext,ext+1] (low,hi) 32 bit result

aux = $02       ; 2 bytes   input1
acc = $04       ; 2 bytes   input2   } result
ext = $06       ; 2 bytes            }

;* = $0200

; (acc, acc+1, ext, ext+1) = (aux, aux+1) * (acc, acc+1)
    lda #0                          ; A holds the low byte of ext (zero for now)
    sta ext+1                       ; high byte of ext = 0
    ldy #17                         ; loop counter. Loop 17 times.
    clc                             ;
    ror ext+1                       ; }
    ror                             ; }
    ror acc+1                       ; } acc_ext >> 1
    ror acc                         ; }
    bcc mul2                        ; skip if carry clear

    clc                             ;               }
    adc aux                         ;               }
    tax                             ; remember A    }
    lda aux+1                       ;               } ext += aux
    adc ext+1                       ;               }
    sta ext+1                       ;               }
    txa                             ; recall A
    dey                             ; decrement loop counter
    bne loopmult                    ; loop back if not done yet

    sta ext                         ;
    rts                             ;
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Herr VC
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Re: PRINT 32-bit integer numbers

Post by Mike »

MrSterlingBS wrote:This is the code so far... I used one of the multiply routines from Toby Lobster... only to play around with them.
That part ...

Code: Select all

jsr $cf87  ; sets mantissa to 00yyxxaa
jsr $cf7e  ; set rest of FAC1 and JMP to $b8d2
... would anyhow only convert the 24-bit value contained in Y (bits 16..23), X (bits 8..15) and A (bits 0..7), with the top-most byte of the assumed 32-bit value being 0.

Once again, I strongly recommend you fetch some text book, look up how base conversion works in general (hint: repeated division by 10 until you get a zero result, storing away the remainders right-to-left - alternatively, a table-based approach, repeatedly subtracting powers of 10) and then implement that routine fully by yourself. Those examples you find on the internet need you to set up their parameters in a given way and call routines in the BASIC interpreter in yet another given way. Randomly feeding the routines with data and calling the routines in a hap-hazard fashion in the hope one combination gets it right is not the way to go here!
Vic 20 Nerd
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Re: PRINT 32-bit integer numbers

Post by tlr »

The one I posted here should be easily extendible to any resonable bit width: ... 85#p114085
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Re: PRINT 32-bit integer numbers

Post by MrSterlingBS »

I think i have it. Thanks for the tipps.
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