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Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 9:02 am
by Miklós
Hi all.
LEO zodiac 8k

3 color+black multicolor mod picture,multicolor 1pixel ultra fine left scroller.
-color setup, Custom color combination option.

I am a lion zodiac sign.

Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 11:12 pm
by Miklós
Hi all.

deep magic of the see 8k

21x24 char screen on 37x24 char picture
bitmap 1pixel left scroller.

Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 8:36 am
by Miklós
Hi all

Hi-res picture 1 pixel right scroll. 8k

Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 1:43 pm
by Miklós
Hi all

Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 1:38 pm
by Miklós
Hi all
Duran Duran 16k
2 picture on left scroller.

Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:15 pm
by Miklós
Hi all
Two trees 8k
-Interlace picture.

Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 9:39 am
by Mike

I have already mentioned this in passing in one of my earlier postings here in the thread, to repeat: your picture converts would improve a lot if you'd take the pixel aspect ratio into account.

On a PAL VIC-20, hires pixels are not square. They are 1.67 times longer in width than they're tall. Correspondingly, multi-colour pixels are 3.33x wide as tall. In fractions with small integers, 5/3 and 10/3. For NTSC, the numbers are slightly different: 1.50 to 1 for hires and 3.00 to 1 for multi-colour.

On a PAL C64, hires pixels are nearly square, 0.9 (width) to 1 (height) is more accurate (1.8 to 1 for multi-colour). On an NTSC C64, hires pixels are vertically elongated. Here, the numbers are 0.75 (width) to 1 (height) for hires and 1.50 (width) to 1 (height) for multi-colour.

As long as you - sorry - toy around with 1:1 pixel converts from C64 -> VIC-20, this inevitably leads to flattened results, which just look bad.

That also means, 'source' material from another computer is a rather inconvenient start point. Rescaling to correct for the different pixel aspect either loses detail in one direction (when pixel columns/rows are left out) or gives a coarse result in the other direction (when pixel rows/columns are duplicated). Much better is starting out from a much higher resolution original on the PC.

This is what I've been doing with my MG batch suite for all the years now. I use PGM IMPORT and PGM IMPORT MONO to import greyscale and lineart pictures. In Irfanview, I first select a suitable part of the picture with an image aspect ratio of ~1.389 to 1. (1.389 ~= (160/192) x (5/3) - the first factor comes from the pixel resolution of MINIGRAFIK, the second factor is aforementioned pixel aspect ratio). The cropped intermediate result then has the same width/height over the whole picture as it later appears on the VIC. I then resample this cropped part of the source image - and this is important! - with "Preserve aspect ratio (...)" ticked off, to either 80x192 pixels (for PGM IMPORT) or 160x192 pixels (for PGM IMPORT MONO) and save them as *.pgm files. These then go straight into the MG tools and result in a picture file in MG format.

Here's one of the example converts I did this way (the picture is contained in the *.d64 of the MG batch suite). You also took that one as example for your slideshows:


And here is the original, uncropped photo I started with:


You see it can be done right. There's no good reason to have 'fat' faces or other flattened scenes on the VIC-20.



Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 6:35 am
by Miklós
Hi all

New stuff:
2 animation and 7 picture.

Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 1:29 am
by Miklós

VIC MAX picture 8K

Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 8:55 am
by chysn
Love the Max Headroom!

Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:57 am
by Miklós

A bunch of new stuff.

Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:39 am
by Miklós
Hi All . Halloween part.

Cauldron picture from spectrum unexpanded

2022 01.11. JETPAC+ PIC 24K PAL/NTSC
-Byt loader demo.
28*23 / 8x8 charset Screen .
1 byt copy to bitmapp.

--new 28 charset picture --"bitmap copy demo"
- old 32char / row char pictute
--viewed VICE emulator 3.2 / settings -- Border debug --
--look 32 char/row charset total picture on PAL vidostandard.
- first 26 char / row picture on demo.


Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:15 pm
by MrSterlingBS
After searching some converting tools for a title screen of my game i found this website. ... angogh.jpg

Maybe someone can use the tool.


Re: Bitmap graphics demos/slideshows (by Miklós)

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:27 pm
by furroy
Dithertron is great! There's also this one:

I'm struggling to get one of those cool advanced gfx formats to work that use stable rasters to change colors on the fly.