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Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 5:22 pm
orion70: Thanks for feedback. Code for SD2IEC added to database. I don't know if it will work 100%, since SD2IEC works slightly different that CMB disk drives, so it is experimental and actually there is option that M-R code will vary in time or among computers (I hope not).

Update: SIMCITY, WORDS, CMD & MONITOR converted into PET version of OS (and by doing that located and fixed few bugs). I doubt that 4KB version will be able to run DISK, so probably I will create non cursor version of that program, which will look more like Norton Commander (or just skip it). After I will test some changes to cursor handling mechanism (numpad key operated PET version)

I meantime my CBM prg Studio refuses to start (uninstalled & installed it few times): gives fatal error: Configuration system failed to initialize. This problem don't affect PET version development since I'm doing it old way (in WinVICE PET emulator).


Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:02 pm
by Lechuck
TRIANGULAR OS wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 5:22 pm I meantime my CBM prg Studio refuses to start (uninstalled & installed it few times): gives fatal error: Configuration system failed to initialize. This problem don't affect PET version development since I'm doing it old way (in WinVICE PET emulator).
I also had that problem sometime ago. Tried different things like reinstalling CBM PRG Studio or reinstalling .NET Framework (error was mentioning .NET Framework) but none of them worked. It finnally got fixed by just moving CBM PRG Studio to a different folder and running it from there (I got the impression that it was, someway, related with something wrong in the Windows registry.



Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 2:18 am
Lechuck thanks for help. Renaming folder worked (I tried also deleting everything relating to CBM prg from registry and reinstall, but problem stays, so it seems that renaming is only solution). I was worried that I would have to reinstall Windows.

orion70 wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 5:11 am Thanks for this bug fixed version. Will try with sd2iec tonight, and report.
As for the name, it's nice. I'd use lower case "u" instead (uOS). It's quite a common replacement character for Mu in scientific communications.
That would be great and it was my first tought, but in standard lowercase charset You can't have those triangle characters that I use to draw TRIANGULAR logo (they turn intro skew lines like \\\ and /// on change to lowercase)


Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 2:13 pm
I have some stuff to do this evening, but will try to compile my RC1 version today. Besides minor bugfixes there are 2 changes:

1. Name changed to TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10/VIC (form TRIANGULAR OS 1.10). μ (micro) symbol achieved by Commodore + M and Commodore + X (title screen below).

2. Loading program (and first part of BIOS) is renamed from TRIANULAR OS to just UOS (since small u or μ symbol are not available in standard charset). It reflect rename and will save some bytes.

Screen (RC part will be removed in final version):

Besides I'm still fighting with PET version.

Re: TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10/VIC RC1 for VIC-20 in Basic DOWNLOAD

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:29 am
Newest version: Release Candidate 1 - RC1.

Officially I'm changing name of my OS form TRIANGULAR OS to:

I've done that to give this OS some originality, to not have to write TRIANGULAR OS to differentiate between it and other OSes and to reflect that this is one of smallest (if not actually smallest) GUI in the world. This is actually first version released under new name TRIANGULAR μOS.
It can be called TRIANGULAR μOS, μOS, uOS, uos etc. and it's obvious what it is.
Also I've switch back to version naming style to old PET ones naming convention: version number/computer type like in 1.10/VIC

What's new in TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10/VIC RC1 for VIC-20 5KB+:
- OS name changed to TRIANGULAR μOS
- Launching program and config file names changed to UOS and UOS>CFG to reflected rebranding
- BIOS uses new name consisting from standard 2 chars (Commodore + M & Commodore + X)
- Version marking slightly changed to PET version (version number/computer type like in 1.10/VIC). Visual changes in all programs.
- SYNTH added info about SHIFT + key lowering voice by octave.
- CMD debugged format command + other small issues
- Changed all remaining cyan loading message to black (invisible) ones - if encounter screen freeze, fear not it is just loading error - type poke36879,27 to see what happened
- Added SD2IEC for disk database
- Changed 0 (zeros) to . for speed enhancement
- Bugfixes (mostly manual visual ones)

(21.66 KiB) Downloaded 84 times

What's left:
- Further testing
- Adding code to prevent change upper/lower case (Shift + Commodore key), blocking Run/Stop key.
- After test: creating system disk this time with more packed program (lines renumbered, instructions more packed) for slightly smaller programs (and faster loading time - just few %, but always)
- Finish manual
- Creating more interesting video for final release

I will try to finish PET 1.04 version in max few days, although I don't know how long weekend in Poland won't prevent me from that :)

Re: TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10/VIC RC1 for VIC-20 in Basic DOWNLOAD

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:10 pm
I didn't have time to dabble in μOS this weekend, but RC2 (Release Candidate 2) is on it's way. It will fix one bigger issue with saving printer port in SETTINGS and 2 very minor visual ones (as You see I barely touched my stuff - normally it would be posted here). Plus I'm gearing toward releasing version 1.04/PET (first stable /non-beta/ version of TRIANGULAR μOS under that name).

Re: TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10/VIC RC2 for VIC-20 in Basic DOWNLOAD

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:40 pm
OK, I've uploaded TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10/VIC RC2 with 1 small new feature and few bugfixes.

What's new in TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10/VIC RC2:
- WORDS ask if You want to exit on F8 key.
- F8 exit in all non-windowed apps to evoking folder (eg. SIMCITY will quit to GAMES). Press F6 in non-windowed apps to exit to desktop. Those 2 keys corresponds to close X button (F8) and Star menu/Desktop (F6)
- Fixed bug with SETTINGS no saving printer port selection in uos>cfg file.
- Few minor cosmetic changes.

(21.31 KiB) Downloaded 103 times
I don't see another issues, so I plan to develop final version from this RC, stay tuned.

But before I will release PET version 1.05, since 1.04 has few bugs + I will take my 2nd attempt at bringing DISK program (since DISK icon in THIS PET window just starts any program /LOAD "*",8/) don't matter if windowed or text version of it. Plus there will be nice incremental 1.05 , 1.10 release cycle ;) TRIANGULAR μOS 1.04/PET here (this is first stable release under new name):

Re: TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10/VIC RC2 for VIC-20 in Basic DOWNLOAD

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 4:16 pm
I've finished TRIANGULAR μOS 1.05/PET for PET. Check it here:

PET version take me onto 2 weeks detour, but that development showcased me a lot of bigger/smallest bugs. Also there I introduced some great improvements, enhancement and cleaned some redundant code. Many of it is already implemented into 1.10/VIC version. Some additional corrections still have to be ported to VIC-20 version. Obviously it was two way street: not only PET version got updated with VIC-20 version features, but also 1.10/VIC version benefited considerably (testing, bugfixes, new improvements).

What have changed since release of RC2? (Those changes will be released in final version):
- A lot of bugfixes (and more to come)
- Manual finished ~85% (based on updated 1.05/PET version)

So there is no chance that I've release final version of 1.10/VIC by the end of this month (as I originally planned). For this reason I will release "standard" silent video. Better one, edited and with voice narration will be published later and will feature 1.05 for PET, 1.10 for VIC-20 and 1.10 for C64 (beta or final).

That how my roadmap looks right now:
1. By beginning of July 1.10/VIC final version should be released.
2. Then I will convert it into C64 40 column version 1.10/C64.
3. After that I will consolidate code into smaller chunks of software (1.20/C64).
4. Next add sprites, maybe turboloader etc. (1.30/C64).
5. Commodore 128 BASIC 7.0 version (1.40/C128). I plan to finish it in August.
6. Next-gen TRIANGULAR μOS 2.00/C64 version in ML, some functional API, probably on cartridge. That would be long-term project. Planned start after finishing TRIANGULAR μOS 1.xx BASIC brach (August 2022).

Re: TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10/VIC RC2 for VIC-20 in Basic DOWNLOAD

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:36 pm
After half month of silence, I just wanna to say, that I'm finally finished TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10/VIC. I was really busy those past 2 weeks, but managed some time and gradually improved final version. I will try to release it tomorrow, since there is only manual to correct and I will make simple video + prepare SDK (source .bas files + some extras). μOS SYSTEM DISK is ready and is 100% tested - nothing to add and to test. It's just perfect.

Final release post will show changes compared to last stable release (TRIANGULAR μOS 1.05/PET for PET), so in this post I will show what changed compared to last μOS 1.10/VIC RC2:
- Tons of small changes, improvements, code cleanings & bugfixes (result of extensive test, code review & debugging) in all programs
- μOS 1.10/VIC support all standard memory models (that was goal of 1.10/VIC 5KB version from the beginning)
- UOS/BIOS slightly improved (better error system, added RESTART option in BIOS Setup Menu, Shift + Commodore & Run/Stop key blocked)
- Code packed (renumber in CBM prg Studio and then in C64 (VICE) + BlackBOX V8 cartridge: code treated by instructions <-P (Pack) and <-R (renumber) ) which saved over 2KB of code
- GUI minor improvements
- DISK empty disk/no disk proper handling
- SETTINGS (SYSTEM & COLORS) improved & fixed few minor issues
- CMD massively improved (empty disk proper handling, stricter syntax control, simpler info command, many changes, improvements & bugfixes).
- WORDS further improved (overwrite prompt, no disk handling) & bugfixes
- Other Apps bugfixed
- Games bugfixed and supports all standard memory models (that was goal of 1.10/VIC 5KB version from the beginning)
- Added DOCUMENTS empty disk for saving documents on Work Disk (now only used by WORDS)

What's only left to finish release package is: Manual, Video & SDK package.

What in future?
After rethinking my plans, I concluded that it is pointless to convert whole μOS 1.10/VIC to C64 and then consolidate it for C64 (converting many small files with repetitive code to 40 columns/16 colors). Better option is to consolidate it first for VIC-20 (8KB - 3KB expansion, next 11KB - 8KB expansion and so on) especially when it supports all memory models right now. First thing after release, I will consolidate CMD and its help file + develop it further. Next I will consolidate 2 STAR WARS programs into 1, UOS & BIOS into 1 file. That will be 1.11/VIC. All next 1.1x versions (1.12, 1.13 etc.) will be further consolidations of μOS for VIC-20. It should be fast & easy process since mostly it will be merging existing code without much reworking (besides minor expanding of CMD, I also want expand DISK and augment MATH with all missing, but planned mathematical functions). I won't make many videos (maybe sparsely short ones presenting only new features + one with voice with presenting smallest μOSes: 1.05/PET for PET 4KB and 1.10/VIC for VIC-20 5KB), nor make excessive efforts to debug (it's already great code, so not much to debug there + culminative releases will have further bugfixes). Then consolidated VIC-20 version will be converted to C64 as 1.20/C64.

So that's how my updated roadmap looks now:
1. In 1-2 days 1.10/VIC final version should be released.
2. After that I will consolidate code into bigger chunks of software (1.1x/VIC series).
3. Then I will convert it into C64 40 column/16 colors version 1.20/C64.
4. Next add sprites, maybe turboloader etc. (1.30/C64).
5. Commodore 128 BASIC 7.0 version (1.40/C128). I plan to finish it in August.
6. Next-gen TRIANGULAR μOS 2.00/C64 version in ML, some functional API, different architecture (but user interface similar to 1.30/1.40), most probably on cartridge. That would be long-term project. Start of development after finishing TRIANGULAR μOS 1.xx BASIC branch (that is 1.40/C128 - August 2022).


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:11 pm
by orion70
Thank you! Will try this ASAP. It's always good to see how much enthusiasm and dedication you put in this effort, also considering the ports for other machines.
I remember the times when it was the same for me: planning a new software, writing it from scratch, improving and refining, loosing countless hours in this activity, trying it both in the emulator and on the real VIC, and finally releasing it in the wild for people to play test your creature... Invaluable moments, that only old computers can give.


Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 7:43 am
by akator
I'm very impressed with this project and all the work you've put into it.


Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 8:07 am
orion70: Don't try it yet, because it is nothing uploaded yet :shock: . I will try to do it today or tomorrow.
I agree with you, I wouldn't believe how much it actually taken to refine final version, partly because of my perfectionism utilized on this version, which stemmed from fact that it will be last and ultimate BASIC version of μOS that will run on at least unexpanded VIC-20 (5 KB RAM) - which was my goal to write μOS from the beginning (GUI OS for smallest machine available). Future releases will be less stressful to do from 3 reasons:
1. Extensively tested, improved, debugged, stabilized and optimized codebase to consolidate and build upon.
2. Not one, ultimate big version (like in 1.10/VIC with all those alphas, betas, RCs), but iterative, cumulative upgrades. If there are bugs in 1.11/VIC, the 1.12/VIC will fixed them which means less preoccupation on debugging.
3. More memory = less memory constraints and less required optimalizations, reoptimalizations, swiping features, features compromises in order to pack as much features as possible in a small 3.5 KB BASIC RAM memory area.

akator : Thank you! As I stated before I will try to upload it soon.

I'm working hard to release it very soon, but let me wrap up and review original goals and plans from my first post:
DONE: I'm converting it to 22 column & 8 colors of VIC-20. Finishing and fine-tuning: BIOS (loader & launching screen) & GUI DESKTOP.
DONE: Since there is only one location of keyboard buffer, there is slightly simpler loader. Plus loader now have nicer look. DONE
DONE: Mouse Cursor moved by joystick.
DONE: Function keys used.

DEPRECIATED (performance penalty and memory constrains): Possibility of adding AWSD + Space cursor control. And/or F1 to display start menu. I will test it in regards of performance penalty.
DONE: Next I will convert SETTINGS & add some option to it.
DONE: Besides BOOT drive, there will be possibility to specify WORK drive, on which system apps will store documents.
DONE (DISK program): I'm planning add GUI DISK program for disk management.
DONE (CMD much improved): CMD & Monitor will be slightly improved.
DONE (changed to APPS): OFFICE probably will be changed to PROGRAMS and will contain wordprocessor, improved MATH calculator + some third party apps.
DONE (WORDS): WORD word processor probably will be rewritten, unless I will find great third party one.
DONE (PARTIALLY): GAMES: I will try to convert STAR WARS. There is huge selection of genial small games for VIC-20, so ultimately there will be more than 4 in that folder. (Just 4, but great games & one of them is STAR WARS, engine from different STAR WARS game form, menu recreated and improved over μOS 1.05/PET STAR-WARS version)


Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:16 pm
I'm still finishing release (System Disk ready, SDK ready, only manual update left), but I just want to know is it is good practice to use μ symbol (achieved by C= + M and C= + X keys) in disk name and disk ID like in picture here:
uOS 1.10 Disk name.png
It works fine in VICE VIC-20, but I just started to wonder if it will be OK for real VIC-20?


Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 3:15 am
by Lechuck
Just tried in a real VIC. Seems to work OK. It looks great, by the way :)



Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 3:59 pm
Over week ago (om Saturday 16th July) I had everything prepared for release, all finishing touches etc., but while finishing most used variables reference for SDK package I've realized that I can use new process of compiling μOS: use {return} control character instead of r$ variable in CBM prg Studio. So I tried it in one most cramped (CMD) and I gained some free memory and then I've checked out if I will be able to fit in my slightly upgraded loader screen (planned for next releases due to memory constrains) and it fitted. As I've go further I also joined print lines into long strips of code when possible and add new features to GUI and improved CMD. And that is my new process to compile μOS. Instead of renumber (first pass) in CBM pro Studio, then use C64 & Black Box V8 cartridge to pack and renumber I do everything in CBM prg Studio. For old process I go from 48.34 KB (206 disk blocks/51.5 KB on disk) to 46.18 KB of programs (196 disk blocks/49 KB on disk) and μOS compiled with my new process stand now for 44.64 KB (192 disk blocks/48 KB on disk) (~3.5%/~1.5KB over old packed version and over 8.2%/~3.5KB over unpacked one). And all that with additional expansions & improvements.
New loading screen:

So what changed:

All programs:
- New loading screen
- Some bugfixes (2 issues from before new process, rest from restructuring of μOS)

- 4 options in Setup menu (EXIT, SAVE, RESTART & BASIC) changed back into 3 (EXIT, SAVE, BASIC) with SAVE combining save changes and restarts μOS functions.

GUI (a lot of changes here):
- Added button (up arrow) on right of time clock which brings main desktop view (acts like DESKTOP in Start menu)
- Start Menu brings back SETTINGS instead of DESKTOP
- When clicking on other GUI elements (buttons, icons) with Start Menu opened those elements will now launch
- SETTINGS now longer open window with SYSTEM & COLORS items, but launches SETTINGS windows (renamed from SYSTEM) where there is colorful COLORS button to launch COLORS settings windows.

- Disk database reintroduced (because of new free memory space)
- I and commands renamed into I> and V> in compliance with CBM DOS syntax
- Added more informative success/error handling after disk operations being performed

System Disk not yet released, I should release final TRIANGULAR μOS 1.10-VIC tomorrow. Everything tested and works fine. Due to amount of changes it should be version 1.11 (but it will be 1.10).