QUIKMAN 2008 for the unexpanded VIC 20

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Herr VC
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Post by Mike »

If an interrupt occurs while that wait routine is executing, that IRQ might hinder the loop to recognize, that the correct number is in the raster register. Then a frame will be dropped.

This might not easy be recognised on a PAL VIC, since the responsible IRQ is the jiffy clock, which goes with ~60 Hz, while the frames come with 50 Hz, i.e. pretty asynchronous.

But on a NTSC VIC, the jiffy clock runs nearly synchronous to the screen repetition rate, so that the "dead zone" literally slowly glides over the screen. When it occludes the raster line to wait for, the wait routine won't execute, dropping a frame not only a single, but multiple times.

The correct solution is *not* to put a SEI/CLI bracket around the wait routine. Instead, you:
- sync the VIA interrupt to the raster line, and then
- set a flag in memory, when that IRQ occurs,
- wait for that flag in the foreground program, and
- clear the flag by the foreground program, and continue execution.

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Post by nippur72 »

@Mike: tell me if I have understood well: in a NTSC Vic, it might happen that IRQ and raster-line get in phase for several frames so that when the main program exits from the "wait" loop and expects to execute the sprite routine, IRQ comes in and is executed instead of the sprite routine. So the problem is: IRQ routine execute instead of the sprite routine for several frames. Is that correct?

@Robert: you can easily compute the time spent by your sprite routine this way: turn the border cyan before your routine and restore it to black at the end. The longer the execution time, the wider the cyan stripe. This lets you "tune" what is the bottom raster line to start from; for example in quikman you can start from the bottom border of the maze (included) because you don't have sprites there.
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Herr VC
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Post by Mike »

nippur72 wrote:So the problem is: IRQ routine execute instead of the sprite routine for several frames. Is that correct?
Not quite. Suppose the raster to wait for is #250. The IRQ routine maybe needs 3 raster lines to execute, and then the two following scenarios would be O.K.:

- wait routine begins execution,
- IRQ occurs in raster line 240,
- IRQ is left in raster line 242,
- wait routine senses line 250, and exits.

- wait routine begins execution,
- wait routine senses line 250, and exits,
- IRQ occurs in raster line 251,
- IRQ is left in raster line 253.

but not:

- wait routine begins execution,
- IRQ occurs in raster line 249,
- IRQ is left in raster line 251,
- wait routine has been hindered to run - by the IRQ - during line 250, so it waits (at least) another full frame.

And in NTSC, that condition can be true not only for a single frame, but for several consecutive frames.

But, as I said, bracketing the wait routine with SEI/CLI is not a good idea for a solution. Generally, one should not leave IRQs disabled for prolonged times.
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Post by Leeeeee »

How about instead of using BNE waiting for the raster line using BCC instead?

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Herr VC
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Post by Mike »

With BCC, you'd still get a similar problem, when the IRQ takes long enough time to execute, so the raster register resets to 0 in the meanwhile.
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Post by Leeeeee »

so the raster register resets to 0 in the meanwhile.
Does it ever take that long? I make that 12 lines or so from the hypothesised line 250.

Even if it did take that long you could get round that with something like ..

Code: Select all

      LDA   $9004
      BPL   done

      CMP   #rasterline
      BCC   wait

.. as long as you don't first get to wait before line 128.

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Herr VC
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Post by Mike »

I quickly hacked this into the VICE monitor:

Code: Select all

; Interrupt server and wait routine.
; The Timer 1 timing constant ($4243) and raster line ($75) need be changed for PAL.

.C:02a1   78         SEI
.C:02a2   A9 BF      LDA #$BF
.C:02a4   8D 14 03   STA $0314
.C:02a7   A9 02      LDA #$02
.C:02a9   8D 15 03   STA $0315
.C:02ac   A2 43      LDX #$43     ; load T1 latch low
.C:02ae   8E 24 91   STX $9124
.C:02b1   A2 42      LDX #$42
.C:02b3   A9 75      LDA #$75
.C:02b5   CD 04 90   CMP $9004
.C:02b8   D0 FB      BNE $02B5    ; sync to line $75, once, with IRQ's disabled
.C:02ba   8E 25 91   STX $9125    ; load T1 latch high, and transfer both bytes to T1 counter
.C:02bd   58         CLI
.C:02be   60         RTS

.C:02bf   A9 1D      LDA #$1D
.C:02c1   8D 0F 90   STA $900F    ; border=GRN, signals IRQ processing
.C:02c4   A9 01      LDA #$01
.C:02c6   8D D9 02   STA $02D9    ; set flag
.C:02c9   4C BF EA   JMP $EABF

.C:02cc   A9 01      LDA #$01     ; entry for wait routine
.C:02ce   CD D9 02   CMP $02D9
.C:02d1   D0 FB      BNE $02CE
.C:02d3   A9 00      LDA #$00
.C:02d5   8D D9 02   STA $02D9
.C:02d8   60         RTS
.C:02d9   00         BRK

; "Main" program

.C:033c   A9 1A      LDA #$1B     ; border=CYAN => idle time
.C:033e   8D 0F 90   STA $900F
.C:0341   20 CC 02   JSR $02CC    ; wait
.C:0344   A9 1B      LDA #$1A     ; border=RED => simulated processing time
.C:0346   8D 0F 90   STA $900F
.C:0349   A2 08      LDX #$08
.C:034b   A0 00      LDY #$00
.C:034d   88         DEY
.C:034e   D0 FD      BNE $034D
.C:0350   CA         DEX
.C:0351   D0 FA      BNE $034D
.C:0353   4C 3C 03   JMP $033C
Start the IRQ Server with SYS673, and then the main program with SYS828. If a key is pressed, IRQ processing (green) nearly extends to the bottom, making for a close call.

I only could test this on VICE. Could someone confirm, that the timing constants, and raster line are also correct for a real NTSC VIC?
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Post by rhurst »

Very interesting Mike ... and that's exactly the weird timing behavior I was seeing on an NTSC VIC, whereas the "dead zone" you speak of was causing severe "frame drops", until it drifted back. An astute explanation!!

So, I had to try your "hack", but I resorted to ca65 assembler to compile it. Made file irq.s from this:

Code: Select all

; Interrupt server and wait routine.
; uses standard VIC20 (unexpanded)
		.org $0FFF
		.segment "STARTUP"
FLAG	= $1E00
		.word	$1001	; starting load address
BASIC:	.byte	$0B, $10
				; 2009 SYS4109
		.byte	$D9, $07, $9E, $34, $31, $30, $39
		.byte	$00, $00, $00
; The Timer 1 timing constant ($4243) and raster line ($75) need be changed for PAL.
		STA $0314
		STA $0315

		LDX #$43		; load T1 latch low
		STX $9124
		LDX #$42

		LDA #$75
@wait:	CMP $9004
		BNE @wait		; sync to line 234/235, once, with IRQ's disabled

		STX $9125		; load T1 latch high, and transfer both bytes to T1 counter
		LDA #$1B		; border=CYAN => idle time
		STA $900F
		LDA #$1A		; border=RED => simulated processing time
		STA $900F

		LDX #$08		; burn some CPU cycles ...
		LDY #$00
@loop:	DEY
		BNE @loop
		BNE @loop
		LDA #$01		; entry for wait routine
@wait:	CMP FLAG
		BNE @wait
		LDA #$00
		LDA #$1D
		STA $900F		; border=GRN, signals IRQ processing
		LDA #$01
		STA FLAG		; set flag
And got these results from VICE 2.1:



And the homed "@" (FLAG = 0) never flickers, because it only becomes "A" (FLAG = 1) when MYIRQ gets fired off, indicated by the GREEN border area. And that GREEN border area expands because the keyboard scanning routine takes longer to execute, because there is an active keypress to decode (which means more rasters are being displayed), before it can return control back to the MAIN loop to reset it to RED.

Simple demo, but very effective. And it really shows that there is only a small amount of processing time available to update the active screen pages. Thanks again!
Last edited by rhurst on Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rhurst »

Ok, I applied Mike's technique on top of the 4k ROM version -- which had to be expanded for the 8k ROM address space -- and it integrated just fine. I had to remove all of the CPU "slowdown" loop, because the game started to run too slowly with this VSYNC timing.

As a result: Quikman, Red, and Green did not flicker once. Cyan flickered only when it was roaming around the top fifth of the screen. Yellow was punished with visible flickering the most... because it is rendered on-the-fly after all others which is mainly occurring during the frame refresh. I would have to redo the graphics handling to have all 5 move without the flickering. The timing and pace of the game would have to be redone as well, if it is paced to 50/60 frames a second.

Interesting effect.
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Post by Kweepa »

If you sort the rendering of the sprites by raster line, you should be able to remove flicker totally for most positions of the sprites. Worst case would be four sprites around the top of the screen and one at the very bottom...
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Post by rhurst »

f you sort the rendering of the sprites by raster line, ...
Good idea.

I hacked some additional code to auto-detect whether the VIC is PAL or NTSC, and to synchronize IRQ with the screen's last raster line appropriately. This seems to work on VICE just fine. Any comment?

Code: Select all

		; my interrupt vector init
		STX $0314
		STY $0315
		; PAL setup
@PAL = $5686			; (312 * 71 - 2)
@pal:	LDA $9125
		AND #$10
		BEQ @ntsc
		LDX #<@PAL		; load T1 latch low
		STX $9124
		LDX #>@PAL
		LDA #$82		; raster line 260/261
		BNE @wait
		; NTSC setup
@NTSC = $4243			; (261 * 65 - 2)
@ntsc:	LDX #<@NTSC		; load T1 latch low
		STX $9124
		LDA #$75		; raster line 234/235
@wait:	CMP VIC+$04
		BNE @wait		; vsync
		STX $9125		; load T1 latch high, and transfer both bytes to T1 counter
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Post by nbla000 »

Do you think to update the 4K rom version ?

In case inform me for Mega-Cart inclusion, thanks.
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Post by rhurst »

Do you think to update the 4K rom version ?
Very unlikely... no wiggle room, and I am not that talented! :P

I got my lovely copy of Retro-Gamer #59 this afternoon. This issue holds extra special meaning to me, first because it features Battle Zone on the front cover, and then a neat article on the Pac-Man world record holder, Jon Stoodley. But most obvious, because of the Quikman 2008 entertaining review -- to see it in print on a full-page, its so l-a-r-g-e!! And to be listed first on their brand-new section called Homebrew, it's such an honor. It is so cool an article with layout, I am going to the local print shop to get it enlarged to hang in my office. 8)

Well, the love gotten back from all of this has been indeed a special joy -- thanks everyone! :D
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Post by gklinger »

It's wonderful that you're getting the recognition you deserve.
In the end it will be as if nothing ever happened.
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Post by nbla000 »

rhurst wrote:
Do you think to update the 4K rom version ?
Very unlikely... no wiggle room, and I am not that talented! :P
Thank God! :wink:
But most obvious, because of the Quikman 2008 entertaining review -- to see it in print on a full-page, its so l-a-r-g-e!! And to be listed first on their brand-new section called Homebrew, it's such an honor.
Yes it's a great conversion, i've played, ops tested it on Mega-Cart last night for a good while... :wink:
Mega-Cart: the cartridge you plug in once and for all.
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