Denial Collection 3 SPOILER thread

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Post by InfernalKeith »

Got to the rest of the tape today - "You Count" and "Pillow Fight." Loved both of them as well. Pillow Fight might be the one I'll go back to the most, for the simple fast-paced action of it. I can see "You Count" becoming another family favorite - my wife and son both love "Brain Age" on the Nintendo DS. so I think they'll love it.

I've already gushed to excess about Jeff and his skills above, so -- all that, again. A masterpiece!

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Post by hawk »

Hi Jeff,

Number 25 arrived safely here in Oz. I returned home from Christmas with my folks to find it waiting at the Post Office. Thanks for a most unexpected gift.

Like others, I'm very impressed with quality and thought behind the whole package.

It's currently 40degC here so the shed is a might bit warm...just went out to clean up a bit and connect up the VIC so I can test these games on the real thing. I was distracted by the MegaCart that was hanging out of the machine, and before I knew it I was dripping with sweat and heading back indoors to air conditioned comfort. After I cool down again I'll give it a second go.
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Post by darkatx »

Oh man...this thing is so great! :)
19 of 45 had finally arrived and my kids and I played it for hours already on the real machine and on emulator!
My eldest daughter is actually jealous of me for getting such cool
I really loved Improbable War.
Actually, they're all so great!
Game Theory is so addictive. I refuse to believe these games are Basic only they play way too fast and smooth. :wink:
Go Left, Night Ninja and Ghost kept me mesmerized.
I find Pillow Fight and Ten Ten extremely challenging.
Awesome stuff...and a big thank-you! :D
Learning all the time... :)
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Post by Kweepa »

11/45 whee!
I LOVE the black and white tape. That must have been very fiddly to make!

I think my favourite game is Night of the Ninja - I love the presentation and the varying play areas. I'm having a tough time with it though, because my joystick lists to the right.

My package contained
The Improbable War - at heart a memorization game, but with a clever original setting.
Ten Ten - an oldie but a goodie!
Go Left - very simple but with awesome presentation. I was expecting the left and right moves to be flipped - I think that would add a bit to the difficulty :)
Night of the Ninja - as above.
You Count - my least favourite gameplay, but you've spruced it up nicely for this collection! (I noticed that it didn't like my jammed joystick - it crashes checking some of the answers. Very odd. When I unplug the joystick or hold it centered it works fine.)
Pillow Fight - reminds me of Space Runner (discussed in the Your Computer type in thread) which is a good thing for me as I must have typed that in 50 times. Interesting gameplay, but I'm not sure if it's unfair or if my joystick's throwing me off.

Thanks again!
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Post by Boray »



My high score for Ten Ten:

And for Go Left:
PRG Starter - a VICE helper / Vic Software (Boray Gammon, SD2IEC music player, Vic Disk Menu, Tribbles, Mega Omega, How Many 8K etc.)
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Post by Boray »

PRG Starter - a VICE helper / Vic Software (Boray Gammon, SD2IEC music player, Vic Disk Menu, Tribbles, Mega Omega, How Many 8K etc.)
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Post by Jeff-20 »

GREAT PICS! I love it! It's always fun to see something you made on the other side of the planet.
Kweepa wrote: The Improbable War - at heart a memorization game, but with a clever original setting.
At first it seems to be mostly a chance game, but I insist Improbable War does have some good strategy elements. It's almost always possible to win regardless of what army you've been given (with the right formation). The skill modes should still make it challenging. I hope.

By the way, Two Too is a throw away. It started as a hybrid board game/videogame similar to the Master Strategy Series for the Odyssey2 (a board game with videogame elements). The draft was too involved, and I was running out of time to get the program working correctly. So I simplified it and took out the computer parts. I guess I lost interest in the concept before I could finish it. I had already bought boxes large enough for a board game, and I thought the tape loading time joke was funny at the moment.
High Scores, Links, and Jeff's Basic Games page.
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Post by Boray »

Can you spot all the changes? :lol:


PRG Starter - a VICE helper / Vic Software (Boray Gammon, SD2IEC music player, Vic Disk Menu, Tribbles, Mega Omega, How Many 8K etc.)
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Post by rhurst »

Scored 91 on Go Left (under emulation, 100% speed)... but thought I could get cute with it and play it as Go Right by doing this:

mess -flipx vic20 -quik Commodore/VIC20/Denial3/Games/GoLeft.prg

The VIC startup screen looks funny flipped vertically like that; but then after I ran it, I thought cool, the title screen is oriented normally. Why did I also think that it would play 'better'? Obviously, the left/right arrow keys are now flipped on the screen, but the left/right joystick mappings would have to be 'flipped' too. :oops:

So I guess playing this in a mirror won't help either. :P

Fun game, Jeff! I look forward to playing the others.
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