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Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:27 am
by Schlowski
Syntax highlighting implemented - see screenshot in first post. Colors can be adjusted in the BasEdit.ini. Everything identified as line number is in green(default) all other numbers are black - it's a little bit difficult to see in the resized image.
MouseWheel supported.
And two occurrances of "Abbrechen" replaced by "Cancel" :-)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:45 am
by Boray
Cool! Thanks!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:25 am
by Pedro Lambrini
This is starting to sound great! Between this and PRG Gen we're getting spoiled. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:39 am
by Schlowski
To be honest I didn't had a look at PRG Gen because I didn't wanted to get distracted - this happens a lot of times for me :-)
BasEdit was one of my earlier projects and over the years I just wanted to port it to support newer machines and OSes (ok, Windows only I admit, but anyways...).
I have lots of ideas of how BasEdit can be enhanced by features, but I won't tell until they are (more or less) realized, I don't want to pressure myself by anouncing anything too early. I want to have fun and not timelines, for the latter ones I have a job ;-)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:46 am
by Boray
Schlowski wrote:I just wanted to port it to support newer machines and OSes (ok, Windows only I admit, but anyways...).
So it can't run with Mono? I made a few small adjustments to PRG Starter, and after that it can run on Linux with Mono installed.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:49 am
by Boray
I tried it with Mono under Windows, and it runs just fine there anyway...

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:54 am
by Boray
The starting address becomes $0 when you save a prg!

It says "PRG Dataien". More german?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:13 am
by Schlowski
Ops, lost the starting address, will be fixed!

"Dateien" = "files" - will be translated for the next version. First I was thinking about maintaining some sort of translation file with strings, therefore I started with german strings. But meanwhile I think an english version should be ok for everyone, so I have to eliminate those nasty german texts ;-)

UPDATE: Ok, german texts translated and missin start address fixed. If you load a PRG file, the starting address is saved. If you edit a new file and save as PRG file, the default address from BasEdit.Ini is used.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:24 am
by Pedro Lambrini
Schlowski wrote:To be honest I didn't had a look at PRG Gen because I didn't wanted to get distracted - this happens a lot of times for me :-)
BasEdit was one of my earlier projects and over the years I just wanted to port it to support newer machines and OSes (ok, Windows only I admit, but anyways...).
I have lots of ideas of how BasEdit can be enhanced by features, but I won't tell until they are (more or less) realized, I don't want to pressure myself by anouncing anything too early. I want to have fun and not timelines, for the latter ones I have a job ;-)
I tried BasEdit in the past but I couldn't get it to run but now, thanks to your updates everything is great. I'm looking forward to seeing your ideas come to life.

I have even ordered the Commodore keyboard stickers for my PC keyboard so that I can code a little easier. One of the biggest hurdles for me in cross development is that I rely a lot on PETSCII as I can't do custom characters (lack of knowledge!). Now, I can just use the CTRL in replacement of the Commodore key and program away until my heart's content! Thanks. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:27 am
by Schlowski
I tried it with Mono under Windows, and it runs just fine there anyway...
That sounds cool, does this mean it could run on Linux, too? I have no experiences with Mono and / or Linux so if this is a noob question, please be nice to me ;-)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:54 am
by Boray
Schlowski wrote:
I tried it with Mono under Windows, and it runs just fine there anyway...
That sounds cool, does this mean it could run on Linux, too? I have no experiences with Mono and / or Linux so if this is a noob question, please be nice to me ;-)
Yes, when I got PRG Starter to work with Mono on Windows, it also worked with Mono on Linux, so my guess is that it will work right away.

I tried to analyse Basedit with:

And it says "Congratulations! No potential issues were detected. The only thing left to do is to try running them on Mono and see what happens."

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:22 am
by Schlowski
New version with "Jump to #" feature as suggested by Schema. If you right-click on any number a menu item "Jump to #" will appear. Or, even easier I think, just double-click on any number to jump to that line.
As soon as you jumped via one of these ways to a certain line a "Jump back to line #" will appear in the context menu which will bring you back to the place where you jumped from.

So imagine you are somewhere in line 35 and discover a "GOSUB 1000", thinking "What the hell is going on there in that sub?" Just double-click, examine and with a right-click in the context menu you will find a "Jump back to line 35" which will take you back to your original place. Recursively, of course, so that you can follow a chain of GOTOs or GOSUBs without loosing your trace back.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:28 am
by Schema
Very cool, thanks. Will try it out ASAP.

If the right-click interface becomes too onerous, an alternative is to have the user hold CTRL and hover the mouse over the number which would become a hyperlink. This is the way modern IDEs (Eclipse, etc.) handle it so it's somewhat standard.

And if you added a toolbar, you could have a "Back" button too.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:39 am
by Schlowski
I'm not too happy with my "context menu for everything" approach, I will investigate other solutions as soon as the more interesting parts are solved...

I'm very used to right click and a "goto definition" as this is the way VB and VB.NET handles this, same with the "Jump back" as a context menu item.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:12 am
by Schlowski
Bugfix release:
- cursor not cleared in previous line when moving up
- rounding error while converting 16 bit integers to two 8 bit numbers eliminated. (VB.NET automatically rounds up when dealing with integer divison which resulted in wrong line numbers and line links in saved PRG files. Damn high level languages, now using >> 8 instead of / 256 as I would have done naturally in assembler and everything works fine ;-) )