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Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:54 am
by carlsson
I believe the display needs to get expanded to at least 24 columns to fit anything worthwhile. I sketched as follows:

Code: Select all

   Name     SL EL GDMFIS
 1 Freeman  11 50 G-----
 2 McDonald 14 50 -DM---
 3 Daniels  19 20 -DM-2-
11 Carlsson 13 45 --2F--
Name would be at most 8 characters. Skill level could be 0-31, energy level 0-50 or so. The "2" in Daniels means he is injured for two more weeks. The "2" in Carlsson means he needs two more games playing out of position midfielder to fully gain that ability.

Apart from skill and energy level, perhaps there should be a hidden form factor too, that will affect how both SL and EL are affected. I'm not sure about this though.

Each player should fit into 16 bytes if no stats are recorded about scored goals etc. Even with that, some fields could be packed in data at the cost of slightly more code. Notice I'm speaking in terms of machine code and/or C now.

I figure each team should have on average 16 players, times 16 bytes per player makes 256 bytes per team. If we reserve 4K for player data, the game could keep track of 16 teams. Well, there is team data too to keep the table and fixtures. This is just an estimate how much game data we would like to juggle. I'm not sure if there really is any benefit to keep data within boundaries of 16 or 32 bytes though.

If I remember and feel motivated when I get home, I can put together some formulas for shot allocation and scoring. Initially I thought to store four separate skill levels for each player, but it would simply take too much space on screen unless every player is allowed to take two screen rows, or the screen would scroll horizontally.

Of course the soft 40 column mode or something similar is still an option, but custom graphics may waste some precious memory better used for other things.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:32 am
by carlsson
If progress is measured by how many kilobyte of executable code you generate, I was very productive yesterday. :lol: I decided a football manager game would be ideal to write in C: enough high level to do the calculations, string and file handling without resorting to juggle registers all the time, enough low level to pack data tightly as well as get a program running at decent speed.

I got as far as reading a list of player names into a data structure and print those. It may not sound much, but the executable program already is about 8K including library runtime. However I think as the program gets bigger, the runtime will proportionally take less of the total size.

(oh no, another project initiated with unclear status if I will ever finish)