Code: Select all
lda CIA_A ; AD 0E DC
and #$FE ; 29 FE
sta CIA_A ; 8D 0E DC
lda CIA_A ; AD 0E DC
ora #$01 ; 09 01
sta CIA_A ; 8D 0E DC
Code: Select all
DC0E 56334 CIA Control Register A
7 Time-of-Day Clock Frequency: 1 = 50 Hz, 0 = 60 Hz
6 Serial Port I/O Mode Output, 0 = Input
5 Timer A Counts: 1 = CNT Signals, 0 = System 02 Clock
4 Force Load Timer A: 1 = Yes
3 Timer A Run Mode: 1 = One-Shot, 0 = Continuous
2 Timer A Output Mode to PB6: 1 = Toggle, 0 = Pulse
1 Timer A Output on PB6: 1 = Yes, 0 = No
0 Start/Stop Timer A: 1 = Start, 0 = Stop
Edit: Okay I found out that part memory location 1 on the c64 controls the memory that the cpu can "see" for character and the screen. Is this correct? Do you have to reset the timer when this is done? Also, why does CBM Prg Studio's memory map reference for the commodore 64 start with location 5?