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Post by orion70 »

Mike wrote:'EPEDEMIC' looks like a promising candidate to be enhanced with MINIGRAFIK ... ;)
...and that's why I asked for an English manual: it could become my next project. 8) Thanks for the assist Mike.
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Post by Mike »

@orion70: PM sent
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Post by tokra »

Mike wrote:Thanks for the manual!
You can find all 64er-magazines around the internet as PDF. If you're looking for something, just let me know.
'EPEDEMIC' looks like a promising candidate to be enhanced with MINIGRAFIK ... ;)
Gogogo! ;-)
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Post by tokra »

February, 1985:

FAMILIENPLAUNG (+3K): Plan your family with the VIC... or better don't

Q+BERT (+3K): Another Q-BERT clone. Three different levels. This would be quite good if it weren't for the totally nuts keyboard config: A, F, C, Z. You can easily change this to something sensible in lines 320-350
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Post by tokra »

March, 1985:

ELEKTROTECHNISCHES ZEICHNEN (+16K): Create circuit diagrams with the VIC. German manual

IRQ-CLOCK (+8K): Display a clock while using the VIC.
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Post by tokra »

April, 1985:

SUPERGRAFIK III (unexpanded VIC): Plots a 3D-graphic in 200x256 (virtual resolution) on an unexpanded VIC.
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Post by tokra »

May, 1985:

LONGSCREEN (+8K): Turns the screen 90 degrees. Restart with SYS7410 after STOP/RESTORE. ?CHR$(142) switches to uppercase, ?CHR$(14) to lowercase

MINIGRAFIK (unexpanded VIC): The original MINIGRAFIK that inspired Mike to do his own (much improved) version. This is for the unexpanded VIC with 128x128 resolution. Use the following commands:
@ON - Switch to graphics mode
@CLR - Clears graphic
@f,x,y - set (f != 0) or delte (f = 0) point at x,y coordinates
@(x,y) - function which returns -1 if point at x,y is set
@RETURN - switch back to text-mode

VIC (+8K): An Eliza-style program in german. However in contrast to Eliza, Vic is pretty rude (he's german, you know...)
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Post by Mike »

tokra wrote:FAMILIENPLAUNG (+3K): Plan your family with the VIC... or better don't
A family planning program with Y2K problem ... :lol:
MINIGRAFIK (unexpanded VIC): The original MINIGRAFIK that inspired Mike to do his own (much improved) version. [...]
The extension also works with a +3K RAM expansion, and then it leaves 4351 bytes free instead of only 1279 on the unexpanded VIC-20. Bigger RAM expansions are indeed not supported.

Screenshot shown is of a small demo program for MINIGRAFIK that was printed in the same issue.
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Post by orion70 »

tokra wrote:LONGSCREEN (+8K): Turns the screen 90 degrees

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Post by tokra »

Special Issue 3, 1985:

MOUSETRAP (+8K): A Radar Rat Race-clone. After the intro press CTRL to start. Move with joystik. Fire-button slows down enemies. Comes with small maze-construction tool.

CIRCLE CIRCUIT (+8K): A car-race game with a smooth moving pseudo-sprite and large screen. Move with joystick. Give up with F1-key. You can set parameters an create your own course. Use keys T,F,G,H,V,W,X,Y,Z and # for finish line, F3 to F7 to position your car. F1 returns to menu.

SPION (+8K): Collect 6 different items in the rooms, by collecting the colored 1-coins. Make sure to pick them up with the middle of your man, or it won't count. In the final room there is a safe, you need the key, identity card and codenumber-item to open the safe (place your man directly under it). Some other items help out as well:
- sneaker: makes your man one unit faster
- glasses: the enemy-spies won't notice you anymore
- monkey-wrench. Let's you disable the electronics for your enemies in the eleveator level (on the E-square top floor)
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Post by tokra »

Special Issue 3, 1986:

HYPER GRAPHICS (+8K): A BASIC-extension to use 208x256 (virtual) resolution on the VIC. This only works by keeping enough characters blank. If you fill more than half the screen you get an error. See the demonstration program for how to use the extension.
Note: This was the inspiration for MAXIGRAFIK, since the Hyper Graphics-manual claims 160x192 to be the maximum possible resolution on the VIC. It may have taken 24 years, but we proved them wrong :-)

TH.BASIC (+8K): Another BASIC-extension for graphics on the VIC. This one is interesting because it supports a flexible screen size. See german manual.

CHECKSUMMER V3 (all VICs): A new version of the type-in proofreader. Again, just for completists.

ZINSEN (+8K): Calculate interest with the VIC.

MUSIK MAESTRO (+16K): Make music with the VIC. See german manual.

ASTEROIDS (+8K): An Asteroids-clone.

DAS BOOT (+16K): A movie tie-in... Steer your U96 safely home. Be sure to pick up some food packages on the way.

PENCO (+8K): A Pengo-clone. You can center the image with joystick or X and /. Move with joystick or Z X ; / Pause with F7. Reset with F5.
Highly recommended. Maybe the best type-in ever.

OUT-BREAK (+16K): Flee the house in this german graphic adventure. Use commands like VOR, RECHTS, LINKS, ZURUECK. The first 4 letters of each word suffice. Some hints from the manual: "Spinnen können den Schaum von Feuerlöschern nicht vertragen, man sollte es hier mit den Tasten B, N und SHIFT probieren. In blauen Räumen verliert man leicht die Orientierung. Verschlossene Türen lassen sich nur mit einem Schlüssel öffnen. Schir unüberwindliche Abgründe lassen sich mit einer Leiter überwinden. Manchmal findet man auf weggeworfenen Zetteln brauchbare Informationen. Um im Dunkeln zu sehen, muß man eine Lampe anmachen ("LAMPE AN"). Bei Schwierigkeitsgrad 2 und 3 kann die Tür zur Freiheit nur mit einem Spezialschlüssel aus einem Tresor geöffnet werden. Die Freiheit lockt hinter der grünen Tür."

LIFE (+3K): The game of life. First choose 1 and set some cells with * key, erase with SPACE. Press R to return to menu. You can watch your cells evolve with option 3. Return to menu with F7.

IMPERIUM ROMANUM (+8K): Germanic tribes against romans. Each player can move his armies. Press key when finished, hand over the joystick and have the next player make his move. The germanic tribes must capture four out of the five roman cities. The romans must prevent this for 25 years. The germanic tribes start stronger at the beginning of the game. In the year 405 armies are replenished, but the romans are being favored this time.

TACCO (unexpanded VIC): Re-release of the Happy Computer-type in of the month 10/1984.

RELOCATABLE (+8K): Tool to rewrite machine-language programs from the C64

16 FARBEN (unexpanded VIC): Small BASIC-extension to make use of the extended color-mode.
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Post by PhilRanger »

tokra wrote:16 FARBEN (unexpanded VIC): Small BASIC-extension to make use of the extended color-mode.]
What is the "extended color mode?
Phil Ranger
"Don't eat the trees 2" for the VIC 20 :
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Post by Mike »

tokra wrote:IMPERIUM ROMANUM (+8K): Germanic tribes against romans. Each player can move his armies. Press key when finished, hand over the joystick and have the next player make his move. The germanic tribes must capture four out of the five roman cities. The romans must prevent this for 25 years. The germanic tribes start stronger at the beginning of the game. In the year 405 armies are replenished, but the romans are being favored this time.
... and this is where I took the inspiration for the hires screens of VICtoria Gold from. ;)
PhilRanger wrote:What is the "extended color" mode?
It is really just bit 3 of the background/border colour register set to zero. This inverts all (hires) characters. You can then have 16 different "foreground" colours, but only one of them - but the background for each character can be chosen from the 8 first colours.

As the KERNAL initialises the colour RAM per default to white, this BASIC extension also forces the former foreground colour to white, too. Otherwise you'd only get, say, light green characters over blue stripes but the rest of the screen would remain in white, like here:

Code: Select all

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Post by Kananga »

PhilRanger wrote:What is the "extended color mode?
I guess, it is the inverted mode (VIC register 15, bit 3 = 0), where foreground and background colors are swapped and you can choose from 16 foreground colors instead of 8.

In that mode, all characters share the same (foreground) color. The values in Color RAM set the background color for each screen position.
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Post by orion70 »

Hey Mike, I thought VICtoria's map was all the product of your imagination... :P Anyway, this seems to be more a 'pure' wargame than a global empire management as VICtoria was, so I'll give it a try.

BTW, I have to learn German for some of these wonderful type-ins (see Out-break, Life, Epidemic, and others), otherwise some kind friend should translate them! :)

Also tried Penco, and it's really smooth and well done. One of the best type-ins, indeed.
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