Using and improving Exbasic

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Improved GOTO

Post by wimoos »

I found that in the original Exbasic implementation a GOTO. would go to the line specified in OLDLIN. Though, after the GOTO executed, OLDLIN contains the number of the line following the line that contains the GOTO.

Are you following ? I found that, when in a loop, the second time GOTO. jumped to the next line instead of the current.

I fixed this by referencing CURLIN and only when in direct mode (CURLIN+1 contains $FF), reference OLDLIN.

Also, at some other point, OLDLIN is synced with CURLIN. But when there are no Exbasic statements used in the loop, the sync is not done. I removed the sync (to save bytes and cycles), because my fix works flawlessly.
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Post by Diddl »

Very nice!

Mr. Dripke and Mr. Krause would be very astonished how many improvments are done 27 years later ...
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Post by wimoos »

Leeeeee wrote:
The FE3 Wedge can evaluate HEX values preceeded by a $:

Code: Select all

It looks nicer than DEC("1B00") for me
That should be do-able along with the % prefix for binary values. It's juat a case of some new code and changing the address for the get value from BASIC line vector.

It would also be a lot faster than performing DEC("1B00").

I did some testing for speed on this. A=$7F is almost twice as fast as A=127. For any decimal integer value over 99, the hex equivalent is faster.
I also tested A=$ and A=% against A=. but the latter is still quicker.

The only use for DEC("1B00") is when you want to use it with an arbitrary string. In that case you'd have to use EVAL("$"+A$), which is definitely slower, but it works.
VICE; selfwritten 65asmgen; tasm; maintainer of WimBasic
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New version coming up

Post by wimoos »

I will make a new version of Wimbasic available shortly.

In this version I will remove Mike's optimized SQR routine, in favor of the "leftside MID$-function" !

A pièce de resistance that was the one missing thing from the Level 2 Basic that I knew from the TRS-80.

What it does is replace (part of) an existing string with another string. Example:

20 MID$(A$,5,4)="HAND"


How 'bout that ?

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Re: New version coming up

Post by Mike »

wimoos wrote:In this version I will remove Mike's optimized SQR routine, in favor of the "leftside MID$-function"!

But then, MID$(A$,M,N)=B$ surely is more compact to write than A$=LEFT$(LEFT$(A$,M-1)+LEFT$(B$,N)+MID$(A$,M+LEN(LEFT$(B$,N))),LEN(A$))

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New version available

Post by wimoos »

I'm sorry to leave your routine out, Mike. But as it doesn't provide extra functionality it was the easiest thing to do.

Another advantage of the left MID$ function is that the replacement is done "in-place", so there'll be less garbage collections (!)

Anyways, I have put the new version online and I'll leave it like this for a while. Maybe next winter I'll have more time to put into this thing.


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Post by wimoos »

To recap what Wimbasic actually is:

Revived Exbasic L2 CBM Basic extension for VIC20, with:
- More than a dozen bugs fixed
- A lot of code improvements
- Removed HARDCOPY and DEC()
- Added UNNEW and XOR()
- Added support for hexadecimal and binary radix
- Added the left-MID$() function

ASM and PRG are available at
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Post by Diddl »


Especially the MID$() = function!!!! :D
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Just when you thought it wouldn't be possible

Post by wimoos »

A new version of WimBasic is available.

Lo and behold, I fixed some small bugs (one in INSTR), did some space savings (UNNEW is now called OLD), and found room to put Mike's SQR routine back in !


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Post by nbla000 »

It seems that the UNNEW command doesn't work, I'm wrong ?
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Post by wimoos »

While scraping the last few bytes, amongst others I changed the UNNEW command into OLD (see HELP).
When the quest was ended, I still had three bytes to play with, so I changed OLD back to UNNEW and posted a new version online.


VICE; selfwritten 65asmgen; tasm; maintainer of WimBasic
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Post by wimoos »

To give you an example of the improvements I'm doing from Exbasic into Wimbasic, I show you a code fragment "before" and "after". "Before" is 73 bytes, "after" is 69.
This is about the function ROUND(var [,prec]). When [,prec] is specified, the parameter is <prec> times multiplied by 10, 0.5 is added, the integer is taken and the result is divided by 10, <prec> times.
"Before", the multiplications and divisions are done iteratively. "After", this is done recursively. To prevent stack overflow, <prec> is now limited to 7, but hey, who would want more precision ? Do not round off, then.

All in all, I've brought the entire Wimbasic, with all its features, down to 8152 bytes now, without losing any functionality...

Code: Select all

LAF3A	JSR  $CEFA     	; AF3A 20 FA CE 
	JSR  $CD8A     	; AF3D 20 8A CD 
	JSR  $0079     	; AF40 20 79 00 
	CMP  #$29      	; AF43 C9 29    
	BEQ  LAF7A     	; AF45 F0 33    
	JSR  $CE33     	; AF47 20 33 CE 
	JSR  $D7F1     	; AF4A 20 F1 D7 
	STX  $83       	; AF4D 86 83    
	STX  $84       	; AF4F 86 84    
	LDX  #$00      	; AF51 A2 00    
LAF53	PLA            	; AF53 68       
	STA  $61,X     	; AF54 95 61    
	INX            	; AF56 E8       
	CPX  #$05      	; AF57 E0 05    
	BNE  LAF53     	; AF59 D0 F8    
	BEQ  LAF60     	; AF5B F0 03    
LAF5D	JSR  $DAE2     	; AF5D 20 E2 DA 
LAF60	DEC  $83       	; AF60 C6 83    
	BPL  LAF5D     	; AF62 10 F9    
	JSR  $D849     	; AF64 20 49 D8 
	JSR  $DCCC     	; AF67 20 CC DC 
	JMP  LAF70     	; AF6A 4C 70 AF 
LAF6D	JSR  $DAFE     	; AF6D 20 FE DA 
LAF70	DEC  $84       	; AF70 C6 84    
	BPL  LAF6D     	; AF72 10 F9    
	PLA            	; AF74 68       
	STA  $66       	; AF75 85 66    
	JMP  $CEF7     	; AF77 4C F7 CE 
LAF7A	JSR  $D849     	; AF7A 20 49 D8 
	JSR  $DCCC     	; AF7D 20 CC DC 
	JMP  $CEF7     	; AF80 4C F7 CE 

Code: Select all

	JSR $0079    	; 
	CMP #$29    	; 
	BEQ LAF7A    	; 
	JSR $CE33    	; Put acc.1 on the stack
	JSR $D7F1    	; Check comma and read byte
	CPX #$08
	STX $83    	; 
	LDX #$00    	; Pull acc.1 from stack
LAF53	PLA     	; 
	STA $61,X    	; 
	INX     	; 
	CPX #$05    	; 
	BNE LAF53    	; 
	JSR LAF60    	; do the rounding off
	STA $66                   ; pull sign from stack
	JMP $CEF7                ; check closed paranthesis
LAF60	DEC $83    	; decrement recursion counter
	BMI LAF5D    	; branch if finished
	JSR $DAE2                ; multiply by 10
	JSR LAF60                 ; recurse
	JMP $DAFE                ; divide by 10

LAF5D	JSR $D849    	; add 0.5
	JMP $DCCC    	; take integer

LAF7A	JSR LAF5D    	; round off once
	JMP $0073    	; parenthesis already checked
LAD72	JMP $D248    	; ILLQUANT when precision >7
VICE; selfwritten 65asmgen; tasm; maintainer of WimBasic
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Post by TNT »

wimoos wrote:

Code: Select all

	LDX #$00    	; Pull acc.1 from stack
LAF53	PLA     	; 
	STA $61,X    	; 
	INX     	; 
	CPX #$05    	; 
	BNE LAF53    	; 

Code: Select all

	LDX #$FB    	; Pull acc.1 from stack
LAF53	PLA     	; 
	STA $66,X    	; 
	INX     	; 
	BNE LAF53    	; 
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Post by wimoos »

Great ! I love bytesavers like that ! Sometimes they're just staring in your face.

VICE; selfwritten 65asmgen; tasm; maintainer of WimBasic
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Post by GreyGhost »

I have been playing around with Wimbasic for a bit and noticed that the color values are 1-8 instead of 0-7. Is that right? Also it gives an illegal quantity error if you go past 8, so multicolor characters are out(or at least have to be done the old fashioned way). I'm assuming that the colors 1-8 go along with the way ExBasic was in its original form.

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