FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by eslapion »

Paolopepper wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:33 am You need to learn some social skills boy. I’m fed up with keyboard warriors mouthing off when I 100% guarantee you would not do that to my face. From your little rant, it’s clear you’re in a world of your own so I’d suggest getting out and meeting people in person, that way you may learn how to speak to people politely.
As for keyboard warrior, I find your own posts rather educating.

You communicate with me as if you're the only one in the world and everything revolves around providing you with what you desire.

You're correct, I made a mistake. I should have ignored your previous posts as it was placed with unrealistic expectations. You were informed about it and only push further.
You need to learn some social skills boy. I’m fed up with keyboard warriors mouthing off when I 100% guarantee you would not do that to my face. From your little rant, it’s clear you’re in a world of your own so I’d suggest getting out and meeting people in person, that way you may learn how to speak to people politely.
I guarantee you I would and I have. I am proud to say I recently forcefully escorted a patron in a nearby restaurant who refused to wear a safety mask as the sanitary regulations recently put in place demand we all do.

From your reaction, it is clear you assume I have no social life and you can't even begin to imagine the level of exchanges I have with people all around the world concerning what I make and sell as well as well as other matters.

While you find me rude, I find your attitude very much reminiscent of this: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal ... -1.5664437

Let me check again with you your original post while keeping in mind that only a few days eariler, I indicated I have a few Behr-Bonz in stock and SnakeGrunger is presently too busy to even notice what's going on in the thread here.
Paolopepper wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:36 pm Hi

Are these still available to order?

Is there a link to purchase?

Yes, they are still available to order. You'd know that if you cared to take a look at my previous post which is only a few days older.

No, there is no link to purchase the product. If there was, it would already have been provided.

What do you think remains the logical action to take if you want to buy it ?

You think I need to improve my social skills. Well, I think you're careless.
Last edited by eslapion on Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by Paolopepper »

"I forcibly restrained someone..."

"...and you can't even begin to imagine the level of exchanges I have with people all around the world..."

Funniest shit I've heard all week.

I bet you're a very good driver too
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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by eslapion »

Paolopepper wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:42 am "I forcibly restrained someone..."
Another proof of carelessness, you just grossly deformed what I said (posted).

If you should know, I kicked him out, assisting the restaurant's owner. It got me a free meal.
I bet you're a very good driver too
I just got a discount on my driver's license and insurance.

I also scuba dive and have an advanced PADI certification as well as a Nitrox certification since 2012.

I also have an electrical engineering degree and the required authorization to use aeronautical communication equipment.
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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by Paolopepper »

OK, I now see who I'm dealing with and I don't really want to be known as someone that mocks those on the spectrum so this is over.

I will give you a very good word of advice. Don't act like this in public, as one day someone who doesn't understand your condition might react unfavourably.
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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by eslapion »

Paolopepper wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:02 am OK, I now see who I'm dealing with and I don't really want to be known as someone that mocks those on the spectrum so this is over.
It's too late, you did.

You judged me first and foremost by my social skills and showed you couldn't care less about my technical skills, honesty, integrity and attention to details.

As for those who 'might react unfavorably', I have met a flurry of them and I have lots of fun dealing with them. Shallow, careless and egotistic people are my spécialité. It's all too funny seeing how they think they can lecture me about my 'poor social skills' (with them) when they are confronted with how irresponsible their own actions are.

I don't think my condition has anything to do with our interaction.
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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by Paolopepper »

Again, this is over. I couldn't give a flying fuck about your technical skills or whatever esle you feel like boasting about today. You've seemingly listed every achievement you felt relevant and it still doesn't matter. You're rude and that's that. If that's not to do with your condition, then you're just a cunt. I guess that's why so many posts on here are pointlessly acerbic, they're posted by inane twats like you.

Feel free to have me removed from this forum. There is nothing to gain by arguing with aimless pricks like you and frankly, I have far better things to do than mock the afflicted. Enjoy solitude you virgin.

Jeff20, please disable/delete my account. I thought I was joining a forum for those who liked the Vic 20, it is anything but.
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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by eslapion »

Paolopepper wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:03 am.. You're rude and that's that.
Correction, I'm rude with you. IMHO, it is you who are shallow, careless, emotionally hyper sensitive and incredibly presumptuous.

If you feel that way then I suggest you post exactly the same post in any sales thread on Amibay and see what reactions this will elicit.

Are these still available to order?

Is there a link to purchase?

I'd love to see that.

IMHO, it makes no sense to ask if the product is still available in a thread where this information was clearly provided and even more so asking for a link in a thread in the sales section.
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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by eslapion »

We will now see at what point this guy realizes if he doesn't want to buy a cart from me because he thinks all these nice things he just said, he can still buy one from SnakeGrunger who has no idea what's been going on in this thread. That's because SnakeGrunger has a life and has other things to do besides actively checking what's going on in here.

So PaoloPepper's remaining option is to send a PM (now is he ever gonna stoop to do that?) to SnakeGrunger as he should have done with me in the first place...
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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by Vic20-Ian »


He has many options.

1. Buy nothing
2. Buy second hand
3. Buy here via pm
4. Buy a ram pack and sd2iec
5. FE3
6. Ultimem
7. MiSTer - FPGA
8. The Vic20 an FPGA in a Vic20 case from October
9. Mess
10. Gamebase Vic20

Top of his list is probably not buying from a rude shopkeeper.

He was new to the forum, you chose to berate him in public forum and not by PM.

As I come from a nation of shop keepers I know very well that you got it wrong this time as you did in the post prior to this one assuming his choices are limited.

10 Customer$ = "Right"
20 IF Customer$ = "Wrong" then Customer$ = "Right" else Customer$ = "Ex Customer"

You cannot influence very well by shouting at everyone all the time, I refer you to Dale Carnegie's book: How to win friends and influence people

You should apologise this time in my opinion.

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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by dragos »

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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by Noizer »

Sorry, I‘m outsider, so what is the purpose of it?
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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by Mikam73 »

Has there been any updates for Behr-bonz cartridge after it was released?

I have had BB cartridge board PAL version since it was early released here at Denial.

Noticed that it’s been sale with case, nice label and reset button after that. Wonder if rom list have been changed?

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Re: FS: Behr-Bonz Vic-20 Multi-cart, 127 games, with shells.

Post by MCes »

A couple of years ago I developed the HW of a new multicart which uses a different approach to fill the EPROM and this means that many more files can be inserted (simultaneously even PAL/NTSC versions...).
http://sleepingelephant.com/ipw-web/bul ... php?t=9926
The prototype is functional, but the EPROM must be filled with the files and the SW that runs the menu must be done...
I am a HW guy and writing the menu program is very heavy for me, at that time I couldn't find a SW guy who wants to write the menu program, so the project was put in a drawer...
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