Reverse engineering KERNAL source

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Vic 20 Scientist
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Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by srowe »

It would be useful to have the source for the KERNAL, along with symbol tables and headers for zero page addresses.

I've managed to get dxa to do a reasonable job, I'm now going to need to do some manual cleanup. I've used Compute!'s "Mapping the VIC" for the naming of symbols (with a few minor changes).

Has anyone come across the source for the KERNAL (original or otherwise) or should I proceed and post my copy?
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Re: Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by buzbard »

Yeah, here's one.
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Herr VC
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Re: Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by Mike »

... which not only gives the KERNAL source (beginning from $E378) but also the complete BASIC interpreter (from $C000 to $E377).

Without such a ROM disassembly, one can pretty much forget about doing things like a BASIC extension or adding extra functionality to the KERNAL like a fast loader for disk drives. The float routines inside BASIC are available at no cost, and their direct use can easily give up to 3 times speed up compared to when called from the interpreter loop ...
Last edited by Mike on Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Vic 20 Scientist
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Re: Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by srowe »

That's great. I think I'll update this with the symbols used in the Compute! book.
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Re: Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by FD22 »

I printed Lee's disassembly out, which meant I could physically draw trace lines through the atrocious CHRIN and CHROUT logic. Even this disassembly has a couple of comments along the lines of 'WTF?' in that code. :lol:

Once I'd actually figured-out what the hell they were doing, the substitute routines in FAST-40 came in at about 50% the size and twice as fast. :)
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Herr VC
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Re: Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by Mike »

FD22 wrote:Once I'd actually figured-out what the hell they were doing, the substitute routines in FAST-40 came in at about 50% the size and twice as fast. :)
Well? Are there any tangible results you'd want to release?
Vic 20 Hobbyist
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Re: Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by FD22 »

Still working on it - I get maybe a couple of hours a week at the moment.

Here's the core of CHROUT40, for your entertainment and sneak-peek. :)

Code: Select all

;; Vector handler for _CHROUT
chrout40	SUBROUTINE		character output vector handler [.A, .X, .Y, Stack]
			sta _LASTKEY				; [3]	ZP save output character
			pha							; [3]	push output character in .A to Stack
			lda _DEVOUT					; [3]	ZP get output device
			cmp #3						; [2]	output directed to screen device?
			beq .screen					; [3/2]	jump to screen handler if so
			jmp _CHROUT2				; [6]	jump to KERNAL for non-screen output

; output to screen, so FAST-40 handles it
.screen		sta _F40CDRAW				; [3]	ZP set cursor undraw flag (0=no undraw, !0=undraw)
			txa							; [2]	save .X and .Y to Stack
			pha							; [3]
			tya							; [2]
			pha							; [3]

; save and disable cursor enable mode (prevent IRQ redrawing cursor mid-way through render)
			lda _CRSRMODE				; [3]	ZP get cursor enable (0=flash, !0=no flash)
			pha							; [3]	save to Stack
			lda #$FF					; [2]
			sta _CRSRMODE				; [3]	ZP set cursor enable (0=flash, !0=no flash)
; determine what character we're handling
			lda _LASTKEY				; [3]	ZP get output character
			cmp #$20					; [2]	compare with #32 [SPACE]
			bcc	.conchar				; [2/3]	less than, so a low control character
			cmp #$8D					; [2]	compare with #141 [SHIFT RETURN]
			bcc .normal					; [3/2]	less than, so normal printable character
			cmp #$A0					; [2]	compare with #160 [INVERSE SPACE]
			bcs .normal					; [2/3]	not less than, so a normal printable character

; it's a control character, push return address and handler address to Stack
.conchar	tax							; [2]	shift character to .X for table lookup
			lda >#.alldone				; [2]	get control character return address hi-byte
			pha							; [3]	push to Stack
			lda <#.alldone-1			; [2]	get control character return address lo-byte
			pha							; [3]	push to Stack
			lda _CONCODEH,x				; [4]	get output handler address hi-byte
			pha							; [3]	push to Stack
			lda _CONCODEL,x				; [4]	get output handler address lo-byte
			pha							; [3]	push to Stack
			rts							; [6]	return to control character handler
			; #TODO likely need to do something here when quote mode is on

; it's a normal printable character, output as given
.normal		ldy #0						; [2]
			sty _CRSRBLNK				; [3]	ZP set cursor blink phase off
			sty _F40CDRAW				; [3]	ZP set cursor undraw flag (0=no undraw, !0=undraw)
			ldy _CURPOS					; [3]	ZP get cursor column
			sta (_SCRNLINE),y			; [6]	write character to text buffer

; set character data address and render masks
			tax							; [2]	move character to .X for glyph index
			lda _CHARTABL,x				; [4]	get character glyph data address lo-byte
			sta .dataaddr+1				; [4]	modify data read address
			lda _CHARTABH,x				; [4]	get character glyph data address hi-byte
			sta .dataaddr+2				; [4]	modify data read address
			lda _F40CMASK				; [3]	ZP set character mask
			sta .charmask+1				; [4]	set character mask
			eor #$FF					; [2]	invert it
			sta .scrnmask+1				; [4]	set bitmap mask

; merge character data with bitmap
			ldy #7						; [2]	glyph bytes to process
.dataaddr	lda $C0DE,y					; [4]	get character glyph data byte
.charmask	and #$FF					; [2]	apply character mask
			sta .charmrge+1				; [4]	modify character/bitmap merge byte
			lda (_F40CADDL),y			; [5]	ZP indirect get bitmap byte
.scrnmask	and #$FF					; [2]	apply screen bitmap mask
.charmrge	ora #$FF					; [2]	merge glyph byte with bitmap byte
			sta (_F40CADDL),y			; [6]	ZP indirect set bitmap byte
			dey							; [2]	decrement glyph byte counter
			bpl .dataaddr				; [3/2]	loop for next glyph byte
			jsr crsrrght				; [6]	move cursor after character output

; undraw cursor before calculating new address
.alldone	lda _F40CDRAW				; [3]	ZP get cursor undraw flag (0=no undraw, !0=undraw)
			beq .recalc					; [2/3]	skip undraw if not required
			lda _CRSRBLNK				; [3]	ZP get cursor blink phase flag
			beq .recalc					; [2/3]	skip undraw if phase is off
			jsr drawcrsr				; [6]	undraw cursor
; compute new cursor draw address and set blink mask
.recalc		ldy _CRSRROW				; [3]	ZP get cursor row
			ldx _ROWMULT,y				; [4]	get multiplied value for bitmap row
			lda _CURPOS					; [3]	ZP get cursor column
			lsr							; [2]	divide by two
			tay							; [2]	shift divided column to .Y
			lda #$0F					; [2]	set mask for left character (even column)
			bcs .setmask				; [3/2]	skip switch to right character if odd
			lda #$F0					; [2]	column is even so mask for right character
.setmask	sta _F40CMASK				; [3]	ZP set character mask
			txa							; [2]	shift multiplied bitmap row to .A
			clc							; [2]	clear Carry before column addition
			adc _COLADDRL,y				; [4]	add bitmap column address lo-byte
			sta _F40CADDL				; [3]	ZP set cursor draw address lo-byte
			lda _COLADDRH,y				; [4]	get bitmap column address hi-byte
			adc #0						; [2]	add Carry
			sta _F40CADDH				; [3]	ZP set cursor draw address hi-byte

; restore cursor mode 
			pla							; [4]	pull cursor mode from Stack
			sta _CRSRMODE				; [3]	ZP set cursor enable (0=flash, !0=no flash)

; restore registers, clear error flag in Carry, and exit
			pla							; [4]	pull .Y, .X and .A from Stack
			tay							; [2]
			pla							; [4]
			tax							; [2]
			pla							; [4]
			clc							; [2]	clear Carry, no error
			rts							; [6]
			ECHO "chrout40		:",[*-chrout40]d
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Herr VC
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Re: Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by Mike »


Here's the *complete* source code of the library used in MG Text Edit, which should be good for some suggestions in case you got stuck with your project.

This program was done in two evenings, on the basis of MINIGRAFIK:

Code: Select all

DIM code 4096
FOR pass=4 TO 7 STEP 3
[OPT pass
 JMP Init
 JMP Main
 JMP Kill

 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB 119:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB 119:EQUB  85:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB  51:EQUB 102:EQUB  51:EQUB 102:EQUB  34:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB  17:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  68:EQUB  85:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB 102:EQUB 102:EQUB  51:EQUB 102:EQUB 102:EQUB  51:EQUB   0
 EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  17:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  17:EQUB   0
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 EQUB   0:EQUB 102:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB 102:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  51:EQUB  68:EQUB  34:EQUB  17:EQUB  17:EQUB 102:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB 119:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  51:EQUB   0
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 EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB 119:EQUB  17:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  68:EQUB 119:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  51:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  51:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  68:EQUB  68:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  17:EQUB  17:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB 102:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB 102:EQUB   0
 EQUB  34:EQUB  85:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB 255
 EQUB  34:EQUB  17:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  51:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  51:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  68:EQUB  68:EQUB 102:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB 102:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  51:EQUB  68:EQUB  68:EQUB  51:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  17:EQUB  17:EQUB  51:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  51:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB  85:EQUB 102:EQUB  51:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  17:EQUB  34:EQUB 119:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  51:EQUB  85:EQUB  51:EQUB  17:EQUB 102
 EQUB   0:EQUB  68:EQUB  68:EQUB 102:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  68
 EQUB   0:EQUB  68:EQUB  68:EQUB  85:EQUB 102:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB 119:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB 102:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  34:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB 102:EQUB  85:EQUB 102:EQUB  68:EQUB  68
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  51:EQUB  85:EQUB  51:EQUB  17:EQUB  17
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB 102:EQUB  85:EQUB  68:EQUB  68:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  51:EQUB 102:EQUB  51:EQUB 102:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB 119:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  51:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  51:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB 119:EQUB  85:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  85:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB  85:EQUB  51:EQUB  17:EQUB 102
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB 119:EQUB  17:EQUB  34:EQUB 119:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  51:EQUB  34:EQUB  68:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  51:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB   0:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB 102:EQUB  34:EQUB  17:EQUB  34:EQUB  34:EQUB 102:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB  85:EQUB 170:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0
 EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0:EQUB   0

 STA src_ptr:LDA #0
 ASL src_ptr:ROL A
 ASL src_ptr:ROL A
 ASL src_ptr:ROL A
 STA src_ptr+1
 LDA src_ptr  :ADC #(Charset-32*8) MOD 256:STA src_ptr
 LDA src_ptr+1:ADC #(Charset-32*8) DIV 256:STA src_ptr+1
 JSR Address:STA mask_2:EOR #&FF:STA mask_1
 LDY #7
 LDA (dst_ptr),Y:AND mask_1:STA byte
 LDA (src_ptr),Y:AND mask_2:ORA byte
 STA (dst_ptr),Y:DEY:BPL Print_00

 JSR Address:STA mask_1
 LDY #7
 LDA (dst_ptr),Y:EOR mask_1:STA (dst_ptr),Y
 DEY:BPL Invert_00

 TYA:ASL A:ASL A:ASL A:ADC Address_01,X:STA dst_ptr
 LDA #0               :ADC Address_02,X:STA dst_ptr+1
 PLP:LDA #&F0:BCC Address_00:LDA #&0F
 EQUB &00:EQUB &C0:EQUB &80:EQUB &40
 EQUB &00:EQUB &C0:EQUB &80:EQUB &40
 EQUB &00:EQUB &C0:EQUB &80:EQUB &40
 EQUB &00:EQUB &C0:EQUB &80:EQUB &40
 EQUB &00:EQUB &C0:EQUB &80:EQUB &40
 EQUB &11:EQUB &11:EQUB &12:EQUB &13
 EQUB &14:EQUB &14:EQUB &15:EQUB &16
 EQUB &17:EQUB &17:EQUB &18:EQUB &19

 TXA:LSR A:STA Colour_01
 TYA:AND #&FE:ASL A:STA Colour_02:ASL A:ASL A:ADC Colour_02:ADC Colour_01:TAY
 BCC Colour_00
 STA &9400,Y 
 LDA &9400,Y

 LDA &028D:ASL A:CMP #&08:BCC Keyboard_00:LDA #&06
 LDA Keyboard_05,X  :STA &F5
 LDA Keyboard_05+1,X:STA &F6
 CPY &C5:BEQ Keyboard_01
 LDY #&10:STY &028C:BNE Keyboard_03
 AND #&7F
 BIT &028A:BMI Keyboard_02:BVS Keyboard_04
 CMP #&7F :BEQ Keyboard_03
 CMP #&14 :BEQ Keyboard_02
 CMP #&20 :BEQ Keyboard_02
 CMP #&1D :BEQ Keyboard_02
 CMP #&11 :BNE Keyboard_04
 EQUW Keyboard_06
 EQUW Keyboard_07
 EQUB &31:EQUB &33:EQUB &35:EQUB &37:EQUB &39:EQUB &2B:EQUB &5C:EQUB &14
 EQUB &60:EQUB &77:EQUB &72:EQUB &79:EQUB &69:EQUB &70:EQUB &2A:EQUB &0D
 EQUB &04:EQUB &61:EQUB &64:EQUB &67:EQUB &6A:EQUB &6C:EQUB &3B:EQUB &1D
 EQUB &03:EQUB &01:EQUB &78:EQUB &76:EQUB &6E:EQUB &2C:EQUB &2F:EQUB &11
 EQUB &20:EQUB &7A:EQUB &63:EQUB &62:EQUB &6D:EQUB &2E:EQUB &01:EQUB &85
 EQUB &02:EQUB &73:EQUB &66:EQUB &68:EQUB &6B:EQUB &3A:EQUB &3D:EQUB &86
 EQUB &71:EQUB &65:EQUB &74:EQUB &75:EQUB &6F:EQUB &40:EQUB &5E:EQUB &87
 EQUB &32:EQUB &34:EQUB &36:EQUB &38:EQUB &30:EQUB &2D:EQUB &13:EQUB &88
 EQUB &21:EQUB &23:EQUB &25:EQUB &27:EQUB &29:EQUB &2B:EQUB &7C:EQUB &94
 EQUB &7E:EQUB &57:EQUB &52:EQUB &59:EQUB &49:EQUB &50:EQUB &7D:EQUB &8D
 EQUB &04:EQUB &41:EQUB &44:EQUB &47:EQUB &4A:EQUB &4C:EQUB &5D:EQUB &9D
 EQUB &83:EQUB &01:EQUB &58:EQUB &56:EQUB &4E:EQUB &3C:EQUB &3F:EQUB &91
 EQUB &20:EQUB &5A:EQUB &43:EQUB &42:EQUB &4D:EQUB &3E:EQUB &01:EQUB &89
 EQUB &02:EQUB &53:EQUB &46:EQUB &48:EQUB &4B:EQUB &5B:EQUB &3D:EQUB &8A
 EQUB &51:EQUB &45:EQUB &54:EQUB &55:EQUB &4F:EQUB &7B:EQUB &5E:EQUB &8B
 EQUB &22:EQUB &24:EQUB &26:EQUB &28:EQUB &30:EQUB &5F:EQUB &93:EQUB &8C

 LDX #&00
 INC &A0
 LDA &A1:CMP #&1A:LDA &A0:SBC #&4F:BCC IRQ_01
 STX &A0:STX &A1:STX &A2

 LDA &900F:AND #8:BEQ Norm_00
 LDA &900F:ORA #8:STA &900F
 LDA #&11:STA &FE
 LDA &9400,X:AND #8:BNE Norm_03
 LDY #0
 INY:CPY #16:BNE Norm_02
 CMP #&20:BCC Norm_04
 INX:CPX #240:BNE Norm_01

 LDX Cursor_06:LDY Cursor_07:CLC:JSR Colour:STA Cursor_08
 LDA #0:STA IRQ_03
 LDA &0286:JSR Cursor_03
 LDA IRQ_03:CMP #20:BCS Cursor_04
 JSR &FFE4:STA key:BEQ Cursor_01
 LDA Cursor_08
 LDX Cursor_06:LDY Cursor_07:SEC:JSR Colour
 LDX Cursor_06:LDY Cursor_07:JMP Invert
 JSR Cursor_02
 LDA IRQ_03:CMP #20:BCC Cursor_00
 JSR &FFE4:STA key:BEQ Cursor_05:RTS

 LDX Cursor_06:LDY Cursor_07:INX:CPX #40:BCC Right_00
 LDX #39:CPY #23:BCS Right_00:LDX #0:INY
 STX Cursor_06:STY Cursor_07:RTS

 LDX Cursor_06:LDY Cursor_07:DEX:CPX #40:BCC Left_00
 LDX #0:CPY #1:BCC Left_00:LDX #39:DEY
 STX Cursor_06:STY Cursor_07:RTS

 LDY Cursor_07:CPY #23:BCS Down_00:INY
 STY Cursor_07:RTS

 LDY Cursor_07:CPY #1:BCC Up_00:DEY
 STY Cursor_07:RTS

 JSR Norm
 LDA #0:STA Cursor_06:STA Cursor_07
 LDA &900F:LSR A:LSR A:LSR A:LSR A:TAX:LDA Init_00,X:STA &0286
 LDA #Keyboard MOD 256:STA &028F
 LDA #Keyboard DIV 256:STA &0290
 LDA #IRQ MOD 256:STA &0314
 LDA #IRQ DIV 256:STA &0315

 JSR Cursor:LDA key
 CMP #32:BCC Main_01
 CMP #127:BCS Main_01
 LDX Cursor_06:LDY Cursor_07:JSR Print
 LDA &0286:LDX Cursor_06:LDY Cursor_07:SEC:JSR Colour
 LDA &C7:BEQ Main_00
 LDX Cursor_06:LDY Cursor_07:JSR Invert
 JSR Right:JMP Main
 CMP #5  :BEQ Main_02
 CMP #18 :BEQ Main_02
 CMP #28 :BEQ Main_02
 CMP #30 :BEQ Main_02
 CMP #31 :BEQ Main_02
 CMP #144:BEQ Main_02
 CMP #146:BEQ Main_02
 CMP #156:BEQ Main_02
 CMP #158:BEQ Main_02
 CMP #159:BNE Main_03
 CMP #29 :BNE Main_04:JSR Right:JMP Main
 CMP #157:BNE Main_05:JSR Left :JMP Main
 CMP #17 :BNE Main_06:JSR Down :JMP Main
 CMP #145:BNE Main_07:JSR Up   :JMP Main
 CMP #13 :BNE Main_08:LDA #0:STA Cursor_06:JSR Down:JMP Main
 CMP #19 :BNE Main_09:LDA #0:STA Cursor_06:STA Cursor_07:JMP Main

 LDA #&DC:STA &028F
 LDA #&EB:STA &0290
 LDA #&BF:STA &0314
 LDA #&EA:STA &0315
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Re: Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by FD22 »

I... I don't know what to say. You passively-aggressively asked for some proof that I'm not bullshitting when I talk about something I've done that's relevant to the OP, so I showed you some real code I've written. You actually type the word 'yawn', which is just not remotely interpretable as a language/culture misalignment but is simply plain insulting.

You go on to boast that you managed to write all the (uncommented, impenetrable) code you then posted in just two nights, deriding my note about having little time to work on my project. Well, I'm really pleased for you that you live in a world where work, family life, and adult commitments don't detract from your project time.

And you then not-very-subtly imply that I could use your code as a basis for something I might be 'stuck on', even though I hadn't mentioned being stuck on anything or indeed in need of help in any way. Magnanimous, in an 'alms to the poor' way. Thanks, but no thanks.

You know what the worst thing is? You're really clever. You do stuff I find interesting, your technical posts are always the ones I look for in the Programming and Emulation threads, and on one occasion in the distant past I've even posted a question here about debugging the KERNAL to which your answer did in fact provide a vital clue that got me out of a hole. The trouble is, there's always a degree of apprehension when I click the link - will Mike just write something interesting, or will he taint it by being condescending in some way?

So, with apologies to the OP and indeed the rest of the community here for this contretemps, I'd like to make a deal with you, Mike. You refrain from commenting on my posts, and I'll do the same for you. I've desperately tried to maintain an even temper in all the threads we've co-habited, even when you've done your best to bait me, but I'm afraid you've crossed the line tonight and, whilst I'll continue to read what you write with interest, I'd prefer it if from here on we simply co-existed rather than interacted.
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Re: Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by Mike »

FD22 wrote:I... I don't know what to say. You passively-aggressively asked for some proof that I'm not bullshitting when I talk about something I've done that's relevant to the OP, so I showed you some real code I've written. You actually type the word 'yawn', which is just not remotely interpretable as a language/culture misalignment but is simply plain insulting.
Indeed, I got bored. You keep talking about your projects with no hint about when they might surface. When not too subtly hinted at that fact, you instead repeat your pattern of going personal and/or talking about language barriers.
You go on to boast that you managed to write all the (uncommented, impenetrable) code you then posted in just two nights, deriding my note about having little time to work on my project. Well, I'm really pleased for you that you live in a world where work, family life, and adult commitments don't detract from your project time.
Didn't you think posting an already-too-long snippet of boilerplate code by yourself did equally qualify as boasting?

There's a lot of side documentation for my code I didn't bother to add in. I did not expect of you, or anyone else to grasp that library code within one hour or so.

Your code also is effectively uncommented and impenetrable for anyone who is not remotely deep into the internals of the KERNAL. Cycle counts are of no relevance here. Line by line comments of assembly code don't give anything - there's no use to comment instructions with the equivalence of 'i++; // increment i'. More useful would be to add several lines of comments before each bigger block of instruction that does a coherent action.

Yet, at the end of the paragraph you again mix in your assumptions about my personal life. I won't comment further on this.
And you then not-very-subtly imply that I could use your code as a basis for something I might be 'stuck on', even though I hadn't mentioned being stuck on anything or indeed in need of help in any way. Magnanimous, in an 'alms to the poor' way. Thanks, but no thanks.
A glimpse over your blog told me otherwise. It read like a recipe to research what could go wrong. Interrupt routines hanging, a cursor leaving trails around, etc. Then, complaining about how difficult all this is. A constant urge to reinvent the wheel. Turning down offers to make this work. Not wanting to read others code. Not wanting to have to credit others for ideas taken from their code.

No wonders that gets you nowhere. When it comes to releasing working programs for the VIC-20, that is.
You know what the worst thing is? You're really clever. You do stuff I find interesting, your technical posts are always the ones I look for in the Programming and Emulation threads, and on one occasion in the distant past I've even posted a question here about debugging the KERNAL to which your answer did in fact provide a vital clue that got me out of a hole. The trouble is, there's always a degree of apprehension when I click the link - will Mike just write something interesting, or will he taint it by being condescending in some way?
That was at the time you posted as MRaider here, I know. Here's the thread in question. Unfortunately, that account and all the posts of that account have been deleted, making a lot of threads incomprehensible. You stopped using that account, shortly after we had a discussion about ways of representing source code in the forum, where we couldn't get to equal terms.

Then already you resorted to personal attacks, which forced me to leave a neutral position regarding your manners. I also suspected you made it easy for yourself going against my moderation job, with you hoping the implied neutrality demanded of that moderator job might make it difficult for me to defend myself against your allegations. Well, I didn't do you the favour and instead turned down my moderator job.

When you reappeared here as FD22, it didn't take me very long to recognize you again. Yet, everyone deserves a second chance ...
So, with apologies to the OP and indeed the rest of the community here for this contretemps, I'd like to make a deal with you, Mike. You refrain from commenting on my posts, and I'll do the same for you. I've desperately tried to maintain an even temper in all the threads we've co-habited, even when you've done your best to bait me, but I'm afraid you've crossed the line tonight and, whilst I'll continue to read what you write with interest, I'd prefer it if from here on we simply co-existed rather than interacted.
I agree that the discussion at this point doesn't bring forward the original topic of the thread anymore.

Beginning with my question about the state of your project, these posts could be split into another thread.

And, I'm afraid, the easy solution you'd prefer is not going to happen. What goes around, comes around.
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Re: Reverse engineering KERNAL source

Post by Jeff-20 »

The VIC 20 is indeed the friendly computer! Denial strives to be an equally friendly forum. I hope all can choose to carry on with respectful and pleasant intentions. :|
High Scores, Links, and Jeff's Basic Games page.
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