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cbm prg studio

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:32 am
by merser
Can someone explain how to load a list of bytes into memory using assembly in cbm prg studio.
I tried *=$1C00
BYTE 126,90,255,189...
I copied the code generated by the SYS call generator tool but the bytes don't load into the location specified when it is run in the emulator.

Re: cbm prg studio

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:10 pm
by ajordison
$1C00 is in the BASIC area, so BASIC itself might be over-writing your bytes. What are you trying to do?

Re: cbm prg studio

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:48 am
by merser

I am copying the character set to top of ram and modifying. I just want to know an easier way of loading the modified character data into memory.
Thought I could do that with the byte statement but it doesn't appear to work. However if as you can see I do a series of loads and stores the data is there.

Code: Select all

; 10 SYS (6968)


        BYTE    $0E, $10, $0A, $00, $9E, $20, $28,  $36 
        BYTE    $39, $36, $38, $29, $00, $00, $00

        byte    126, 90, 255, 189, 189, 36, 66, 36



        lda #$93
        jsr $FFD2
        ldx #$0
        lda CHAROM_START,x
        sta CHARAM_START,x
        lda CHAROM_START,x + $100
        sta CHARAM_START,x + $100
        bne CHAR_COPY
        lda #126
        sta CHARAM_START
        lda #90
        sta CHARAM_START + 1
        lda #255
        sta CHARAM_START + 2
        lda #189
        sta CHARAM_START + 3
        lda #189
        sta CHARAM_START + 4
        lda #36
        sta CHARAM_START + 5
        lda #66
        sta CHARAM_START + 6
        lda #36
        sta CHARAM_START + 7
        lda #$FF
        sta $9005
        lda #$40
        jsr $FFD2

Re: cbm prg studio

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:00 pm
by merser
OK so I figured out what I did wrong. The BYTE instruction was loading my custom character data into 7168-7175 at the start but then was copied over by the CHAR_COPY routine. Once I changed the starting address CHAROM_START and CHARAM_START to start after the loaded custom character data it worked.