(wip) Final Quest

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Vic 20 Nerd
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by Kakemoms »

R'zo wrote:Here's the code

Code: Select all


start   sei
        lda     #$00
        lda     #$03
        sta     $0315
        lda     #$00
        lda     #$62
        sta     $0314
The player and music was altered from my first ml program. It was written in cbm prg studio which allows decimal usage. I have now started writing all my ml routines using hex just for good practice.
You can skip the "lda #$00" in front of "lda #$03 and lda #$62" to save 4 bytes...

Anyway, looks great! Nice graphics layout.
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

I got some work done on the menu and reworked the graphics some more.

download demo

Story and directions are all in place.
Credits have a demo page but will not be finished until the game is complete.
Start new game is not in place yet but will load initial player stats and the main prg for the game.
Continue also not in place. Will load saved stats and game.
The menu will also eventually have it's own music.

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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

I have also reworked the enemy graphics a little more.

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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by Mayhem »

Looking good :)
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by orion70 »

Cute graphics! Thanks! :D
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

Work is going slow as I have a handful of projects that i'm working on right now.

I have designed a music file that will allow me to store 8 songs with 32 8 step measures and 8 available patterns per song in just over 1k at $a000 for easy addressing and quick and smooth transitions between songs.

Each song will only use 2 voices the low and high for base and lead. The noise and mid channels will be reserved for sound effects which will most likely be handled with sys calls along with video effects in order to save room for basic.

I have also decided to add a talk option to the enemy battles. If by chance the creature is friendly it may offer to sell you an item, offer you healing (for a donation),offer you piece of advice or steal your money and run. If the monster is not friendly it will get first attack. If you try to buy an item but don't have enough money the creature will get angry and attack. I feel that this will add a nice sense of depth to the game as will the music.

I am currently working on the Irq that will control the music player and the tracer that will light up the room around you answer you explore.

I am getting very excited about the direction this game is starting to take. It is going to take some time to complete but it will be well worth it.
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

The rewrite of this game is growing far beyond the original intent of this game. What is currently the rewrite will become an entirely different game all togather. The previous demo version will be released as finished after a few touch ups.

I have fixed a few bugs.
-no more harsh noise in the load screen.
-panicking no longer crashes the system.

-in game save has been moved from the game menu to the level load screen to
prevent cheating.
-AWSD can now be used to choose direction.

Still to do
-player will automatically move 1 space in the chosen direction when AWSD is used.
-final text edits for story and directions.

The tunnel vision will remain but I may add an element to the story to explain it.
I may add a period in the lead character of the beam of light. It will be a fairy that flies ahead of you and lights your path.


Here are a couple of screen shots in case you forgot what the old game looked like.



After my next update I will really be able to use a couple of test players to attempt to play this game through.
I should have time to give it a play through myself but the game is dependant on a lot of random processes and and I would like to make sure that this game is as clean and bug free as possible before I release it.
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

You can now hit awsd to choose direction and then once again to move 1 space. You still have to hit 0 for step value if you want to turn and look before you move in a new direction.

You now have a fairy that flies ahead to guide your path.

Now I just have to rewrite the directions and story text, test and correct bugs and balance the difficulty out I necessary.


Sorry for no tap. version on this update. I am having a hard time capturing a good .tap image.
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

p.s. this will be my last pure basic program for a while. I have great fields of ml to explore. :)
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

Out of curiosity I ran this through Austro-Compiler last night. The uncompiled version actually played nicer and ran the animations and fx smoother.

Astro-Compiler did pic up on 3 syntax errors that were missed by CBM Prg. Studio and the vics inerpreter. All though the bugs did not crash the system they greatly effected how the battle and item stats were playing out.
While making these edits I found a hand full of other mistakes in syntax.

Hopefully with these bugs fixed the progression of difficulty will be smoother. The difficulty level was starting to reach impossible around lv 6.

The illumination scroll will not be added but I will make the fire and bolt spells flash the screen instead of just the enemy character. This will allow for glimpses of the level with it's own set of consequenses.

I will also probably change some of the enemy names to more fantastical creatures (slimes, wraiths, drakes, killer rabbits, etc... ) :D
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

I have settled on a final title for this game, "LEGEND OF THE LOST CATACOMBS." I think it has a nice ring to it

The game is almost complete. I have a few patches to make and then all that is left is the final debugging.

The latest build will be available soon.

I have added music to almost every part of the game to help create more atmosphere.

Boss battles are complete, tested and contain a small suprise.

Every element of this game has been tested, I now just have to test the full play through.

A program containing the game directions, story and extras will be included. Working on loading each program from with in the other so you won't have to reset the system to switch between.

The game will be capable of running from sdiec, .d64 and .tap. I am hopping to get this printed to datasette.

I am however having a difficult time getting a good .tap image of the game itself. But should be able to work this out soon.

All togather I am pleased with the way this game has turned out.
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

Aside from debugging the game is now complete.

I have made versions on .d64,.tap and open files for use with sdiec.
Game and guide programs load each other in every format.
load/save routines work in every format.

For some reason the .tap does not work in vice 3.0 for windows, I get a load error. It works fine in vice 2.4

I tested the game today using sd2iec on my ntsc vic. Everything seems works beautifully and smoothly. I'd like to know how it works on pal, there is nothing in the game that should prevent it from working on pal. even the music routines rely on mathematically produced intervals for note structure as opposed to traditional musical scales so the music should sound. fine on pal as well.

download files
.d64 image lostcata.d64
.tap image lostcata.tap
blank .tap image for tape saving lcsave.tap
game file for sdiec lostcata
guide file for sdiec guide
zip containing all file formats legend of the lost catacombs.zip


While I was writing this game I ended up getting caught up in what I could do and lost sight of the original goals. I am glad I stepped back and picked the original demo back up.

Original goals.
-create a unique rouglike that is not just a copy of existing rouglikes with a twist.
-to make a game that can run on tape and disk.
-to make a game with a functional save/load that works on both tape and disk.
-to make a game that would take at least 4 hours to beat. (estimated time to beat 4 to 12 hours depending on your luck.
-to set up a menu based rpg with a turn based battle system.
-to develop my own stat system.
-to make full in game instructions so no booklet or other documentation is necessary.

all check :)
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by orion70 »

Great, thanks! Please, post it in the 2017 Software Releases section, too. :)
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

orion70 wrote:Great, thanks! Please, post it in the 2017 Software Releases section, too. :)
I will after I debug it a little more.
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Re: (wip) Final Quest

Post by R'zo »

1 more bug found. Mind and body are suppose to max out at 9. My character currently has a body level of ":" :|
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