VIC-1212 Programmers Aid Cartridge

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Programmer's Aid cartridge
VIC 1212 Programmers Aid Cartridge box.jpg
Part number VIC-1212
ROM size 4K
Start address $7000
Autostart No, SYS 28681

The Programmer's Aid cartridge was produced by Commodore to provide a collection of utilities to help both new and experienced programmers to write, edit and debug BASIC programs quickly and easily. The commands added cover line numbering, searching and replacing, and tracing the execution of a program.

In addition commands can be assigned to the function keys, giving a convenient way of executing frequently used statements.

The screen editor was also improved to make changing programs easier.


To use the cartridge enter

SYS 28681



Added commands

The following commands are available in direct mode, they cannot be used within a BASIC program

Command Description
AUTO Generate line numbers automatically
CHANGE Replace all occurrences of a given string
DELETE Delete lines from a program
DUMP Display the values of all variables
EDIT Use the EDIT set of function keys
FIND Locate all occurrences of a given string
HELP Indicate the location of an error
KEY Display or assign a string to a function key
KILL Disable all additional commands
MERGE Load a program, combining it with the current one
OFF Disable STEP or TRACE mode
PROG Use the PROG set of function keys
RENUMBER Change the line numbers of a program
STEP Single step through the program displaying the line number
TRACE Display the line number as a program is executed

Enhanced screen editor

The following key combinations can be used to modify the lines displayed on the screen

Keys Description
Ctrl-A Scroll up a program list
Ctrl-E Cancel quote and insert modes
Ctrl-L Erase characters after cursor on same line
Ctrl-N Erase all characters in program after cursor
Ctrl-Q Scroll down a program list
Ctrl-U Erase all characters on cursor line



Manual: Media:VIC 1212 Programmers Aid.pdf

ROM dump

Annotated ROM disassembly